Chapter 53: The Vault

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Energon splattered across the ground, coating her pedes in a macabre style. Laughter echoed through the room, striking her flat in the face. Temptest stumbled back and hit the wall, optics opening wide. She screamed again as the purple mech was once more stabbed through the gut, eliciting another pained grunt.


The dream ended slowly. Echoes of her shout followed her into the land of the living and Temptest found herself rising from the ground. Blue flames laced the walls of the odd room she was in. Temptest stepped back, wholly confused as she took in her surroundings.

The vault.

Shortly after fixing their comms, (TFP) Shockwave used the transdimensional relic to send them to the vault. They'd split into teams and charged through the frey, truly being they had a chance against the forces waiting for them.

How very wrong they were.

A large mass slammed into the ground behind her and Temptest whirled around, watching as the massive predacon blocked the path she'd come from and spewed blue fire into the sky as he roared. A display of power, and an impressive one at that.

It knocked her to her senses, sending her running in the opposite direction.

Dozens of predacons, led by countless empurata, charged at them the moment they were free of the portal. They would have been slaughtered then and there if it hadn't been for Team One's quick thinking. Megatron immediately jumped to action, attacking the first predacon with no hesitation. Optimus and the Bulkheads were quick to follow.

The plan went to scrap from there. To get through the furious beasts, everyone had to split up and scramble for their lives. Temptest lost track of her team, and not long after getting into the building, the predacon that had been trailing her broke through the ceiling and knocked her out.

It was distracted now, but that was barely good news for her teammates. Still, she had a mission to get through. The faster she could find Optimus, the faster they could retreat.

And they might just make it out of this alive.

Temptest pulled the blaster off her hip and pushed through the doors in front of her with her shoulder. Old doors and old technology, she noted. Odd for a vault that belonged to Solis Prime.

The moment she passed through, a team of Autobots were waiting for her. Unfortunately, none of them belonged to the ground she came with. She paused to take them in. They were a small group, armed with common weapons she'd have expected to find in the mines back in Kaon. And their chins were massive.

A red and blue shorty charged her, raising his axe to strike at her. He looked completely different in shape and size, but something in his blue optics surprised her.


"Wait!" Temptest transformed her extra servo into a knife and parried his attack. "Optimus!?"

The mech paused, glancing back at his cohorts for a moment. The lot of them exchanged glances before Optimus stepped back and frowned at her.

"How do you know my name, Decepticon?"

"I—I know you, from another dimension! We're friends there!" Temptest gaped. "What are you doing here?"

"We were captured," Optimus explained. "My team and I feel through a wormhole while we were mining in the Zenthara Sector. We've been stuck in this room ever since some guys showed up."

Temptest looked around. "This room... is a cell?"


Oh. Frag.

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