Chapter 43: Tension

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Temptest figured she couldn't hide in Optimus's berthroom forever, despite his assurances that she could take all the time she wanted. She would be a coward not to face them, and besides, the other Autobots deserved an apology for her attacking them. After some deliberation and stressed pacing, Temptest pulled a relatively collected mask over her faceplates and walked outside.

Arcee wasn't the first bot to note her appearance, but she certainly was the first to react. Crossing her arms and looking away, Arcee gave Smokescreen a frown. Temptest pursed her denta and looked around, but everyone who had been lounging around moments before was suddenly very busy tidying random corners of the room.

Optimus caught Temptest's gaze from where he was standing near the monitor and he frowned, his optics sweeping over the room. Temptest felt her core temperature rising, almost afraid he was going to say something about it and humiliate her.

Instead, Optimus stepped back, opened a groundbridge, and walked right out of the base, leaving her alone with a handful of mecha who likely wanted to terminate her.

Yeah, she'd sort it out.

Temptest scratched her elbow and started walking over to Arcee. She knew the femme was slow to trust. Temptest broke that trust, so if there was anyone she owed an apology to, it was Arcee. Granted, Arcee was also the most likely bot to try and rip her face off, but that changed very little. Problems like this couldn't be left unaddressed, especially since everyone needed to understand each other on the battlefield.

"Ahem," Temptest cleared her throat as she stopped in front of Arcee. "Hey, um, I wanted to apologize... I attacked you, and, uh, it was bad. I'm sorry."

Arcee looked over, her expression guarded. "Yeah. Figures. Optimus told us all about your... affliction."

Temptest's spark squeezed. Even though she was glad Optimus told the others so that she wouldn't have to, it still hurt to think about. The fact that she might lose her mind and wake up in a pile of bodies later with no recollection of the event was terrifying.

"Yes..." Temptest looked down. "Sorry."

Arcee nodded stiffly. "Who could blame you? We've all seen Autobots messed up from captivity. It's not as rare in this dimension."

Temptest wasn't sure if that was supposed to make her feel better. "I see. I just, I know that I could, you know... do it again. I don't want to be a problem. For you. Or the others."

"You don't have to apologize," Arcee looked away. "Nobody blames you."

Temptest found that difficult to believe. Everyone was discreetly staring at them and the room was dead silent. Arcee still looked disturbed.

This was definitely going to be a problem.

Temptest cleared her throat again. "We are still going to be fighting together in the field."

"I know."

"I don't want any tension between us," Temptest explained. "If this is going to be a problem, I would appreciate if you would help me find a way to remedy it. I don't want to put lives in danger beca—"

"Stop," Arcee held her servo out and finally looked Temptest in the optics. "I was serious. Nobody is upset with you because the evil Optimus messed with your helm. It's not a problem."

Temptest gritted her denta. "It is clearly a problem. You weren't this tense around me before."

Arcee rubbed her face. "Yeah, we're just a little put off right now, but for a different reason. Please don't dwell on it."

Temptest paused. "Is this other reason my fault too?"

"You dating Optimus," Smokescreen blurted.

Arcee glared at him.

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