Chapter 41: Deep Down

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Lines of captured Autobots sat on their knees, helms pushed forward, murmurs drifting through their ranks, and blasters pointed at them from the Decepticon brigade that had just invaded. The town around them was smoking, but most fires had already been put out. The skies were quiet aside from a few fliers scouting for remaining hostiles or advancing armies.

This Autobot town wasn't particularly hostile, nor were they a major supplier for Autobot weaponry or energon. This was just an outpost for families. Children and their caretakers who couldn't afford to live closer to the war. Unfortunately for them, their town had gained value and was invaded by the Decepticons.

The crowd, growing ever more restless, finally had someone to draw their attention to as a figure stepped out of the medical tent, her helm raised. Black and green armour told the more informed bots who she was. One of Megatron's commanders. She was in the inner circle. It was difficult to recall her more specific position. She wasn't often in news reports.

"Autobots!" the femme called out. "I am Temptest. I understand you've been left here, on the sidelines and away from the war. Many would consider that a blessing, but you know better, don't you? Autobot High Command pays you the bare minimum for your mining services, they send you less energon than you send to them, and they keep barely any guards around to protect you from neutral raiders. Those who were present were entitled bullies. You've fallen from favor."

Temptest stepped closer to them. "I am here to offer you a choice. Return to live as slaves to those you support, or join us. We Decepticons have food and shelter waiting for you in an undisclosed location. We have a cause to fight for that refuses to lie to denizens. This will be your only chance to escape."

Some of the Autobots began murmuring amongst themselves, but Temptest wasn't finished. "These troops will be stationed here for the week. I expect everyone to live together peacefully until that time is over. You may call us your enemies, but we are not. We are here to help."

Temptest turned away from them and headed back for the medical tent—their only tent—where another femme was waiting for her. Airachnid raised her gaze with a curious expression.

"What gives you the idea we'll be able to stay here for an entire week?" Airachnid questioned. "The Autobots have been on our afts after since we recruited half the population of Polyhex. Now Megatron has taken his troops to Iacon. We can't last that long."

"We will," Temptest assured her. "The Autobots don't give two scraps for the mecha here. They'll be gathering in Omnitrix and waiting for us. It's a target for us and a stronghold for them."

"Are we planning to hit it?" Airachnid asked.

Temptest shook her helm. "We're taking the new recruits to Safehaven. Omnitrix is too heavily fortified for us. The Autobots don't know that, but I do and I'm not risking lives."

Temptest onlined her optics and sat up, acutely aware of the metal berth beneath her. Lately her berth was made of dirt that Airachnid dug up.

"You talk in your recharge," Optimus stated, sitting in the chair again, but this time it was pulled up next to the berth.

"I've been dreaming a lot lately," Temptest replied. "I'm sure it'll go away soon."

Optimus nodded. "I talked to the others. They've calmed down."

"What about Ultra Magnus?" Temptest questioned, trying to avoid thinking about the bots she'd attacked recently.

"He is acting normal," Optimus answered. "I'm inclined to release him, but I've not come up with a good enough excuse. He's rather committed to remaining in the cell."

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