Chapter 12: Home

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Temptest licked her derma anxiously as electricity spiked beneath her plating. She kept her frame as relaxed as possible, trying her hardest not to attract attention from the bot she was sitting on.

Optimus wasn't paying attention. He had one arm wrapped around her waist, but the other was busy scrolling through a datapad as he read through various reports from around the Ark.

The doors to the control bridge opened and Temptest's spark nearly jumped out of her chassis. Optimus looked up. Arcee strode into the room, her red optics lingering on Temptest with a cold glare before she turned her gaze to Optimus and bowed.

"Lord Prime, we've discovered a... hole in the brig."

"A hole?" Optimus repeated slowly.

She pursed her derma. "It was blasted outward."

Temptest could feel the grip around her waist constrict ever so slightly. "So fix it."

Arcee paused. "Megatron is gone."

His voice was deathly calm. "And you didn't think to start with that small tidbit?"

"I thought you would come to the conclusion on your own, my Lord."

"Of course you did," Optimus purred. "You're such a smart little femme. Do you know what smart femmes are good for?"

Arcee tensed. "No sir."

"FIXING PROBLEMS!" Optimus bellowed, and Temptest flinched so hard she would have fell off if not for the arm around her. "FIND HIM! NOW!"

She jumped to her pedes and scrambled backwards, toward the doors. "Yes, my Lord. Of course. Right away, sir."

He turned his attention to Temptest and growled. "You knew."

Her spark shuttered. "No, my liege."

"You knew," he repeated, his voice no louder than a whisper.

"No, I didn't," Temptest's voice trembled. "I promise."

Optimus's grip constricted more and he sneered.

Temptest's breathing quickened and she leaned again, eyes wide and spark pulsating frantically. "I– I didn't know! How could I have known?!"

His servo snapped up and wrapped around her throat. Temptest gasped as he stood up, dragging her with him, and then slammed her into the wall. She let out a short cry of surprise before she was muffled by the feeling of his derma on her's.

It was aggressive and forced, snapping Temptest's helm back. Her servos flew up to his chassis, trying desperately to push him off, but Optimus was relentless. His servo gripped her waist and shoulder, pinning her to the wall as his glossa slid across the edges of her intake.

The instant she realized he wasn't going to stop, the facade crumbled away and Temptest's digits curled against his chassis before digging in.

Optimus yelled and jerked back, flinging Temptest aside. Metal and energon stuck to her digits. She went flying and she took a chunk of his chassis with her. Temptest scrambled to her pedes and wiped her servo against her thigh. Her expression was furious.

"I knew it," Optimus's sword slid from it's sheath. "It was too good to believe that your obedience was won after just a few days of lessons."

She snarled. "Why don't I teach you a lesson this time."

Optimus laughed. "Oh, you will beg for mercy."

Temptest had enough. She lunged forward, fully intending to rip him apart with her sharpened claws like an animal, but something tugged her back. A servo gripped her arm and Temptest jerked to a stop, instead whirling around to face– a fist.

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