Chapter 10: Glimpse

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It didn't hurt. Holding onto a shard of life was rather mundane, contrary to what one would imagine. It was as if life was but a worthless possession and losing it would have no consequences nor any rewards. It was hard to care, to cling to the light that was steadily dimming.

Then there was another life. Another light? It glowed with a bright passion, beating with a rhythm that couldn't be mistaken for anything other than what it was. Sheer desperation.

And it was different too, Optimus realized. The spark he was looking at was nothing like his own, and slowly, ever so slowly, he began to notice the small light that he hung onto. To remember it's significance.

His being filled with confusion as he looked between the two forms, one bursting with life and the other so close to being snuffed. It was enviable, the brilliance of the other spark, but Optimus knew better than to wish for that which was not his.

But if it didn't belong to him, then who did it belong to and what was it doing here?

Where was here?

The space was dark and ominous, but not without warmth. Optimus reached out, feeling the thin veil that encased him and the other light. It was so thin that he could almost see blurred figures dancing on the other side, their contentment radiating through him in small, feeble loads.

For a moment, he considered breaking through the veil. It would be easy, really, and the small shard of spark left in him would bleed into the abyss, becoming one with the Allspark.


Optimus pulled away from the veil. This was it. The final rest that contained all those who are lost to the world of the living. He knew, certainly, that he did want to join them, to be forever at peace, with no needs, wants, or sorrows. He would be encased in the numbness of eternity.

Hesitantly, Optimus reached out, his essence and all that remained of him brushing against the veil, longing for the promise of rest.

A reflection caught his optics, pulling his focus back to the other light, which shared his little bubble and watched him with an indifferent stare.

He never did find out about the other light. Cautiously, Optimus found himself drawing nearer to it, curiosity overtaking his previous longing. It was dormant and quiet, but steady, and still bright within. Flashes of color struck him, moving pictures embedded within.

"Where the hell are my stilettos!?" a black femme demanded, her sharp digits wrapped around the forearm of a vaguely familiar-looking sparkling. "I know you took them!"

"I didn't!" the child cried out, silver lubricant running lines down her soft face.

The older femme seethed and shoved the sparkling back before storming out of the room. With a small yelp, the sparkling hit the wall and then slid down, her small green servos covering her face.

A moment passed and another door in the distance slammed closed. Slowly, the sparkling lowered her arms and her optics trailed across the room, landing on a trash can, the insides smeared with soot.

She smiled through the tears.

Optimus blinked quickly and leaned away from the light. It pulsed softly, no longer desperate, but calm. He tilted his helm.


His body.

Optimus could feel his frame encasing his spark now. He had been so close to joining the Allspark that he'd almost forgotten his physical form.

The light remained still, and Optimus watched it for a long moment. He didn't know who the child was, but now, memories that didn't belong to him now invaded his mind and he needed to know.

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