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November 1st 2019:

Rolling around slightly in her bed, Milly stretches keeping her eyes shut, as the warm sunbeams coming through the window warm her skin. Opening her eyes, she lets out a terrified scream seeing her best friend at the end of her bed. "Come on, we're going out." Amelie smiles. "What are you doing here, this early in the morning?" Milly sighs, putting her hand on her chest to feel her rapid heartbeat.

"To go out, I've got an exciting day planned for us." The brunette smiles, rocking back and forth on her feet. "I gave you a key for emergencies." Milly sighs, throwing her pillow over her face. "This is an emergency!" Amelie shouts, ripping the covers off the blonde. "Amelie!" Milly shouts covering her tits. "Man, I wish my boobs looked like that." The brunette sighs, looking down her top.

"Amelie, out." Milly points to the door forgetting she was hiding her boob. "They're are so nice." Amelie sighs, staring. "Do you want to have a fun day or not? I'm guessing you do. So get out and I will be ready in the next half an hour." Milly now sits up, pulling the pillow to her chest. "Okay, I will be in your kitchen rummaging through your fridge and your cupboards." Amelie smiles before walking out of the room.

"Okay, what are the plans for today?" Milly wonders as she walks into the kitchen to see Amelie stuffing her face with strawberries and cream. "These are fucking delicious, and the cream. It's hitting hard." Amelie moans, in delight. "Erm... okay." Milly nods walking to get a mug. "So, I can't tell you what we're doing. It's a secret." Amelie yawns, as she puts the last of the strawberries back into the fridge.

"More like you don't have anything planned, and you're just freestyling the day ahead." Milly laughs. "You know me so well, I would usually do that. But I have booked reservations and everything." Amelie shrugs, getting a mug as Milly puts the kettle on. "Be a dear and pour me a tea. Two su..." Amelie smiles. "Two sugars, I know." Milly laughs, shaking her head.

"I wasn't expecting to be sat on a train listening to you sing for two hours already." Milly scoffs, as she sits opposite Amelie eating a brownie. "We have an hour and a half left, and I'm singing you songs no one has ever heard before. You should be happy you're the first to ever hear them." Amelie says. "What are the songs even for?" Milly asks. "My first album." Amelie smiles.

"Shut up." The blonde leans forward. "Jeez, okay. I was just answering your question, no need to be so rude." Amelie jokes, holding up her hands. "Am, I'm so proud of you." Milly squeals, clapping for her best friend. "It's nothing." Amelie waves her off. "Nothing? You are going to be famous girl." Milly laughs. "I'm already famous," Amelie tells her. "Yeah, but through your dad and sister. Releasing this album will make you famous for you and your achievements." Milly smiles proudly.

"I guess you're right." Amelie shrugs. "I feel like a proud older sister." Milly leans back in her seat. "You're older than me by three days." Amelie scoffs. "Still older." Milly shrugs. "How's Maisie?" Amelie asks the blonde about her twin sister as she puts her ukulele back in her bag. "Well, she's had an eventful three months since leaving the villa," Mill says. "Care to elaborate?" The brunette leans forward.

"She found out Tommy had a girlfriend when he went into the villa. Her name is Millie Roberts, and he's still with her. But that made Maise open her eyes and realise she's been in love with Johnny for years. They've also been dating for two months, but not many people know." Milly shrugs. "About fucking time. Next, it's you who finds a boyfriend." Amelie laughs, watching as a blush appears on the therapist's face.

"Milly Hanna Gertrude Burns, have you got a boyfriend?" The nineteen-year-old leans forward. "Maybe." Milly squeeks out. "Do I happen to know this boy?" Amelie asks. "Yes." Milly nods. "I know who it is," Amelie concludes. "No, you don't." The blonde shakes her head. "It's Maxie Fewtrell," Amelie states, making her best friend's jaw drop. "How?" Milly questions.

"You went to the Spanish Grand Prix. Which isn't that suspicious, but then you went to the French Grand Prix. You never go to the Grand Prix right after each other. So someone in Spain made you want to go to France. Then you went to all the other races that have the Formula Three feature races. It's obvious." Amelie laughs. "It's not obvious." Milly scoffs. "Why do I have Althea messaging me asking about the two of you then?" The May girl asks.

"What's that song called?" Milly asks as she sits on Devon beach next to her best friend. "It is called Mess It Up," Amelie tells her slowly strumming the string of her ukulele. "What's it about?" Milly lies on the sand. "Okay, I'm actually going to analyse this for you now," Amelie tells her. "What have I got myself into?" The blonde shakes her head.

"So the line 'Guess I thought when I left it would all stop.' When I left for Italy I thought I wouldn't be suffering anymore, but boy was I wrong. It was the opposite, I was even worse out there. Missing Lando, my parents, you. I only had my sister out there." Amelie explains a line in the first bit of the song. "It's a lot to handle at sixteen, Amelie. And no one is blaming you." Milly reassures.

"Did I fall out of line when I called you? I called Lando on my birthday, didn't say anything apart from the end I miss you, then he hung up. It was kind of selfish of me, I'm aware of that. Giving him some false hope. 'When I told you "I'm fine", you were lied to' Throughout my and Lando's relationship I told him I was fine many times, but I was not okay. Especially around this time of November." Amelie explains more.

"So this is a song for Lando?" Milly crosses her arms. "How could I think that all that I gave you was enough?' That line is pretty self-explanatory." Amelie shrugs, ignoring Milly's question. "Cause every time I get too close, I just go mess it up.' This is how I feel mostly. Like it's always me to mess stuff up. I'm almost there, I'm at the final leap but I stumble and everything falls apart." Amelie tells her best friend.

"I keep thinking maybe if you let me back in. We can make it better, breaking every habit. Pull myself together, you could watch it happen
Let it happen, let it happen.' That whole bit is just me being delusional. The thought of being with Lan and everything be smooth sailing, it's all I ever wanted to be honest." Amelie shrugs. "Then everything just repeats." The girl adds.

"That's amazing, quick question. How many of these are about Lando?" Milly asks, her curiosity getting the best of her. "Erm, thirteen," Amelie states. "And how many songs are on the album?" Mill smiles, already knowing the answer. "Thirteen." Amelie sighs. "But you know what, I don't care. It's a good album and it's coming out on New Year's Eve. So I can leave all of this shit behind me." The brunette adds.

"What are the other songs called?" Milly queries. "Friend, Best, Difficult, Mess It Up, Block Me Out, For Real This Time, Long Sleeves, Two People, I Miss You I'm Sorry, Rockland, Right Now, I Should Hate You, and obviously Amelie." The girl lists off. "They all sound amazing, especially I Miss You I'm Sorry." Milly smiles, excited to hear the Album. "Well, I did shed a few tears writing the song," Amelie admits, laying back on the sand.

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