🏎️CHAPTER 17🏎️

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1st January 2020:

"I hate this part" Althea scoffs, looking around the new living room at all of the boxes. "I always get so distracted." She adds. "Erm, Amelie, you're not listening to me." Althea gasps, throwing a pen at her sister. "Sorry, Lando keeps messaging me." Amelie sighs. "Yeah well, I'm sure he can go a couple of hours not talking to you. We have to finish this by tonight." Althea scolds the girl as she takes the phone and puts it in her pocket.

"Erm, that was rude... just stole my phone, the fucking cheek of it. Give it back." Amelie holds her hands out. "Fuck no, hurry up and put your boxes in your goddam room, Am!" Althea shakes her head, walks to a box which says fragile on and walks in the direction of the kitchen. "You should keep your door locked. A nonce could walk in at any minute." Lando scoffs as he walks through the front door.

"Why are you here now?" Althea scoffed, seeing the boy in the middle of the room. "I came to help." Lando smiles. "You can do that with your fucking shoes off, Lando! You're going to ruin the floor before the house is finished." The girl shakes her head, pushing the boy out of the living room. "I bought back up." Lando also adds, opening the door for Max, Milly and Maisie.

"Milly!" Amelie shouts, running to her best friend and jumps on her. "Okay, I could have fallen over then, crack my head open and get amnesia." The blonde complains, holding the singer up. "Yeah well, you didn't, so shush." Amelie smiles. "Isn't it Ammonia?" Lando asks, itching his head, making all of his friends turn their heads to stare at him. "Okay, I'm feeling severely judged right now." Lando scoffs.

"Yeah, because you're stupid." Maisie laughs at the racer. "Okay, you don't need to laugh." Lando rolls his eyes. "Maybe don't say stupid shit, then." Max sighs, taking his shoes off. "Since when did you take your shoes off without anyone reminding you?" Althea gasps. "I've been teaching him." Milly raises her hands. "Wow, getting life lessons from your girlfriend at the ripe age of twenty is saying something." Amelie smiled walking back into the living room.

"Okay girls, I was not that stupid." Max squints his eyes. "Erm, you kind of were." Milly pats her boyfriend's back, following after her best friend. "You're supposed to be on my side!" Max shouts, throwing his hands in the air. "Indoor voices please, Maximilian." Althea closes her eyes. "Yes ma'am." Max salutes the girl heading in behind his girlfriend. "So... how's Oscar?" Lando asks Althea as she walks in with Maisie.

"Wait... who's Oscar?" Max asks as he and the twins look at the girl racer with raised eyebrows. "Now look at what you've done, I hope you're proud of yourself, Lando." Althea glares at the man before storming off to her room. "Did I say something wrong?" Lando looks at his ex-girlfriend. "In her eyes yes, she doesn't want everyone knowing about him," Amelie explains, moving boxes into piles.

"Why did she blow up at me then?" He questions. "Do you forget she has ADHD?" Maisie raises her eyebrows. "Yeah, she's probably got a lot on her mind with the move." Milly nods. "She's overstimulated, and she is missing Oscar." Amelie sighs. "I will go and apologise to her, I will be back. Hopefully, she doesn't kill me." Lando sends everyone a tight smile, before walking out of the room.

"I don't know what room is hers." He comes back into the living room. "Second one on the right, upstairs," Amelie tells him. "Thank you." He sends her a smile. "You're welcome, Lan." She smiles back. "What was that?" Max asks. "What was what?" Amelie looks at him, seeing the twins also have their eyebrows raised and eyes on her. "Thank you." Milly mocks Lando. "You're welcome, Mills." Maisie tucks her hair behind her ear.

"I don't do that." Amelie scoffs. "You definitely do." Max nods. "I don't." Amelie shakes her head. "Are you sure about that?" Milly questions, holding her phone up to show Amelie the video of herself. "Nope." Milly laughs, pulling the phone away as the singer tries to reach for it. "Delete it." Amelie folds her arms. "No, I can't do that." Milly frowns. "Delete it, now," Amelie demands.

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