2.6 | Going To Forks

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Ellory had been sitting with her friends and family on a Sunday, it had been quite a relaxing day as they got to know Quinn Pierce who was going through something they all knew a fair amount about. She had shifted into a wolf after her mother's spell backfired from waking her father's shifter gene; instead it woke the shifter in Quinn who wasn't initially one. The werewitch -- as Emmett called her -- was all sorts of confused and terrified of hurting someone she cared about. And so Ellory had been the one to volunteer to accompany the girl to Forks where she could seek the Quiliete Tribe for their help learning control and about any history they may have to help.

However, when Ellory moved to stand up and head to her room to pack for the short trip, she stumbled due to a vision hitting her at the same time it hit Alice. Jasper managed to ease Alice while Jack quickly caught Ellory and sat her down holding her arm as the vision played like a tragic movie in front of her eyes. Bella stood on the edge of the cliff, her anxious breathing was evident and the way her eyes looked around showed uncertainty. With two steps, she leaped off of the cliff edge and dive bombed into the waters below to never resurface. A flash of orange in the water appeared before fading out. Ellory gasped as she jumped up and looked at Alice, both speaking in unison, "Bella!"

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While Ellory packed quickly, Alice told the family about what the two had seen and now they would head to Forks for both confirmation and for Quinn to get the help she needed. "We can come with you," Jack offered, he wasn't too keen on letting his new best friend face shifters without him by her side. "I can handle them," Ellory told Jack as she finished up packing before turning to the male who had crossed his arms and raised a brow at her. "You're gonna follow me either way, aren't you?" Ellory asked him bringing a smirk to Jack's face which made the blonde sigh and give in.

Joining Ellory and Alice was Quinn, Jack, Holly, Jasmine and Sorrento. It wasn't ideal to have so many Vampires heading to Forks in this situation but the four friends of Ellory refused to leave her side and Jasper preferred that she had them with her when she told the pack about everything. And so, they were on a flight back to Seattle where Carlisle's car would be waiting for them to drive back to Forks. Ellory was anxious the whole way, she was praying that Bella had survived knowing that if she didn't then Edward would go to the Volturi to be killed. He wouldn't live in a world without knowing she was alive, he loved her with every part of himself.

Admittedly, Ellory wished she could love someone as strong as Edward just with a little more logic and less dark thoughts about it all. She knew that should her mate come into her life, she would fight for them to be together and she wouldn't walk away from them; not unless they were a monster so monstrous that she couldn't stand them, she'd give them a chance but only the one. Her thoughts were shaken out of her when they finally reached Forks, Jack and his sisters were admiring the small town and its rainy aesthetic. "I can see why you love this place, it's beautiful out here," Jasmine said as she leaned into Sorrento; she had been seated onto his lap due to limited car seats leaving Ellory to sit on Jack's lap so Quinn and Holly had there own seats.

𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 ♡ Alec VolturiWhere stories live. Discover now