Chapter 2 - Swoon

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Fan dragged Lightbulb through the line and up to the VIP ticket stand. He had a firm grip on her wrist as he quickly showed the QR code to the receptionist. The boy rolled his eyes and scanned Fan's phone, giving him two VIP passes. Fan quickly thanked him and tugged Lightbulb's sleeve, "Earth to Lightbulb?" He snapped his fingers in front of her face.

"Huh? Oh yeah, what's up Fan?" She averted her eyes from the poster she was looking at. It had an image of an artist she listened to on it with their name in big, bold letters. He nodded his head towards the door and handed her a pass. She took it and put it over her head.

"Sorry, Fannual! Just a bit out of it..." Fan glared at her as they walked through the entrance, following the ropes blocking off the VIP row. "Don't ever call me Fannual again or so help me god," Lightbulb laughed at his attempt to be threatening, and Fan just crossed his arms.

They made it to the VIP section that was just a few feet away from the stage. Fan was bouncing on the tip of his toes the whole time they waited for the show to start. Lightbulb's mind had begun to wander again.

     That person in the poster... that's what Paintbrush looks like? I mean they had a great voice but they looked even better than I had ever imagined...

She snapped back to reality once she noticed Fan had asked her something. "Oh, uh, sorry Fan I didn't quite get that," Fan looked at her with a raised eyebrow, but repeated himself.

"Test Tube just texted me. She said she had made it and she was waiting outside the backstage entrance."

"Who was she interviewing again?" Fan shrugged and started tapping away on his phone. A few seconds later he piped up again.

"Someone named 'Paintbrush'... she said she got permission from their manager to interview them, they were gonna play an opening song. Wait, don't you listen to them?" Lightbulb slightly nodded and looked at the curtains.

             "Do you think we can meet them?" The stage lights flashed, indicating the show was about to start. The crowd started chanting, so Fan had to yell in response, "We're gonna be here for a while, so you'll probably have to leave mid-show to see them!"

             Lightbulb gave him a thumbs up then looked back at the stage. The curtains lifted slightly to reveal Paintbrush. They ran out on stage and threw their hands up.

Their hazel eyes shimmered in the light and their blonde hair fell in front of their face. Lightbulb felt slightly warm at the sight of them, but she shook it off. They walked up to the mic and tapped it to make sure it was working properly. Paintbrush cleared their throat, then spoke. Their voice rang out through the speakers, "Hello everyone!"

The crowd erupted in response. They chuckled and began talking once it was relatively quiet again. "So, Who's ready to jam!" They swung their guitar to their front and started playing. The crowd went wild once again.

Lightbulb stared in awe at them. Paintbrush looked so much better in person than on the poster. Almost akin to an angel, the way the lights created a halo around their body. Paintbrush glanced around the VIP section and their eyes landed on Lightbulb. She felt her heart skip a beat as they locked eyes for only a second or two before they started singing.

This song was Lightbulb's favorite by them, it was only released a few days prior. She had listened to it over and over again, so she flapped her hands excitedly and started singing along.

Paintbrush had glanced back up from their guitar and looked at Lightbulb again. She felt light-headed but kept singing. They glanced down at her lips for a moment. She smiled through her singing, but she was screaming internally. They looked at me, they looked at me, they looked at me!

As if staring at her wasn't enough, Paintbrush grinned back and winked. Lightbulb couldn't take it anymore. She screamed and fell back into Fan's arms, who watched the whole thing go down. He looked at Lightbulb and started yelling with her as he helped her up.

"They winked at me Flat-Face!" She grabbed Fan's shoulders and shook him violently, "winked at me! Omga, I think I'm gonna die," Lightbulb put the back of her hand to her forehead and closed her eyes dramatically.

"First they stole the stage, then my heart!" She held her free hand to her chest and clutched her imaginary pearls. Fan laughed in response, then turned his attention back to the stage. The song had finished now, and Paintbrush was saying their final goodbyes as they walked off the stage. Lightbulb stared at them, mouth slightly agape.

She had thought of what Fan had said earlier.

We're gonna be here for a while, so you'll probably have to leave mid-show to see them!

She glanced at the entrance and sighed, "I'm gonna go now, I'll try and get back before the show ends!" Fan only nodded, too focused on the fact that Spoiled Lemon was coming on stage.

"See ya, Fannual!" Lightbulb ran off before Fan could kill her for calling him his real name again. He looked back and yelled at her, but made no effort to pursue her. She slowed down before making it to the doors and pushed the bar to let her out of the building. She squinted at the setting sun and raised her arm to block the light.

Lightbulb made her way around the building to where Test Tube was waiting. She had her equipment all stuffed in the back of her car. All sorts of papers and pens were scattered around the trunk.

"Whatcha doing 'Tube?" Lightbulb asked as she peered over Test Tube's shoulder. She jumped back and held onto the side of the car, "Golly! Where did you come from? I thought you were with Fan!" She yelped. Lightbulb shrugged.

"Got bored. Ooh, what does this do?" She reached for a camera but her hand was quickly smacked away by Test Tube.

"Please don't touch anything! All of this is really important and knowing you if I look away for one second you'll find a way to break all of it!" She took a deep breath in after saying that all in one sentence. Lightbulb shook off the comment and sat on the bumper.

They both stayed in relative silence for a while until the back door to the building creaked open, revealing a lady with glasses and a clipboard. "Ah, hello there!" She walked up to Test Tube and shook her hand, "you must be the interviewer! It is so nice to meet you," Test Tube smiled as she put her hand on her hip.

"Yep, that's me! My name's Test Tube and this here is my friend Lightbulb!" She signaled towards Lightbulb, who was now walking towards the both of them. Lightbulb offered her hand out to the lady and shook it calmly. She was going to shake the heck out of it but decided against it. Pulling someone's arm out of its socket isn't the best first impression.

The lady pulled her hand away and adjusted her glasses, "My name is Camera, I'm Paintbrush's manager! You know Lightbulb, Paintbrush asked about meeting you earlier," Camera looked Lightbulb up and down and chuckled into her palm. Lightbulb widened her eyes and tried to hide her smile by turning away.

She pivoted her foot on the toe and held her hands behind her back. "Aw, they asked for wittle 'ol me?" Camera laughed out loud and turned towards the door
"Paintbrush, dear, the interviewers are here!"

A/N // So the main four Bright Lights have been introduced! How do y'all like their characterization so far?

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