Chapter 37 - They're Really Going For It!

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    Paintbrush sighed as they practically threw their shaving cream and razor into their vanity drawer. They inspected their freshly clean face, running their fingers along their smooth skin. I really need to get like... laser hair removal or something, they thought, this fucking blows.

    They flicked off their bathroom light and wandered back into their room. They headed for their closet and stepped inside. Their eyes scanned their rows of clothes which most they barely even wore.

    They were tempted to save the hassle and throw on one of their plain tank tops and a random pair of pants, but they couldn't that day. It was the day of their first performance as the Bright Lights. Camera had arranged some plans with the owner of a live house nearby and was able to convince them to set up a gig for the four of them.

    In the meantime, the group had written and released a few more songs on various streaming services. They'd been getting some listeners, although not nearly enough as Paintbrush themself had.

    Speaking of them, they had finally settled on an outfit. They had on a blank tan sweater with a white collared shirt underneath. For their bottoms, they chose a brown pair of cargo pants. With a small spin, they observed themself in their mirror. A faint smile rested on their face as they decided they liked the outfit they had chosen.

    For an extra bit of consistency, they reached over to their shoe rack and grabbed a worn pink pair of high-top Converse. They had signs of age, sharpie scribbles, worn grips on the bottom, and some stitches were fraying. That's why they liked them, though. They felt like they had life in them, even if it was just a pair of shoes.

    Imagine if inanimate objects were alive. That'd be insane, right?

    They pulled out their phone and checked the group chat. As they expected, they had at least 100-something missed messages – mostly from Lightbulb.

    Lightbulb 💛 - GYSUS


    Fan - real


    Paintbrush - ill come and pick u up lb illl js have to load up the durm set

    Paintbrush - the place used to have one set up but some drunk guy broke it camrea said

    Lightbulb 💛 - okie dokie :)

    They stuck their phone in their pocket and headed downstairs to their hangout area. To their surprise, their father was standing at Fan's drumset. He was inspecting the glimmering maroon paint and shiny metal with almost a look of longing on his face. They were a bit far away from him, so they couldn't exactly tell. At the sight of him, they threw their hands up and fixed their hair a bit more, trying to seem presentable.

    "Hello, father," they greeted, "I didn't hear you come in the house. I- er, how was your trip? You were gone for a while." A nervous smile rested on their face.

    Their father turned around, slightly startled to hear someone behind him. They were a very light walker. He adjusted his glasses, "Good afternoon, Paintbrush. And; yes, unfortunately, it took a lot longer than I wanted it to." As his gaze rested on them, it was instantly drawn to their hair. A slight bit of panic set in.

    "I see you've chosen to dye your hair again. Are you trying to rebel or something?" He questioned with a slight bit of humor in his tone. They sighed in relief. He seemed to be in a good mood. "N-no, I just wanted something different."

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