Chapter 38 - Classes

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    Lightbulb yawned as she stared at the whiteboard, tuning out the nonsense that Professor Four was blabbering about now. The only thing she could focus on was the fact that today, May 28th, was her last day of 11th grade. One more year, and she'd be out of here.

    I wonder what life would be like a year from now. What if we're famous by then? What if me and Painty get an apartment or something? Well, we could probably already afford a house if we're famous. I don't really want a big house though, too much unused space. You don't need that many rooms for 2 people. But what if we had a lot of pets and had a room for each? Ooh, what if we give Baxter a room? It'll be all beach-themed- We should go to the beach for summer! Omga, I need to ask Painty-

    "Lightbulb?" Professor Four's assistant teacher, X, tapped Lightbulb on the shoulder. "Are you paying attention?" He asked softly, trying not to disrupt the lesson.

    "Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm listening!" I'm totally not listening. What if we got a beach house?

    "Alright, just making sure! You looked a bit dazed," X gave her a sweet smile, and took their place standing at the back of the classroom again. Lightbulb returned the smile and glanced up to the clock.

    Five, four, three, two, and...

    Right on cue, the bell rang. Students all scrambled up and grabbed their bags, shoving things in random pockets and rushing out the door. Four tried to get their attention, but eventually gave up and let them on their way.

    Lightbulb skipped out the door with her drawstring bag hanging over her shoulder. She adjusted the Kandi on her wrists and squeezed her way through the crowd of people to make it to her locker. Swifty, she twisted the knob and entered her combination before whipping the door open. She forced her math binder back into her locker, not caring about the mess. I'll clean it up during lunch period with Fan and Test Tube or something.

    She eventually entered her 4th period – Chemistry – which was the only class she had with Test Tube this semester. Despite her pretty low grade; she wasn't exactly failing, so she was able to stay the rest of the year.

    "Heya, Lightbulb!" Test Tube greeted. Lightbulb smiled and plopped herself down in her chair, "Hey! Man, this is the last time we're gonna be sitting at this lab table together. Tragic." She sighed and wrapped her arms around the table the best she could despite its size. "Don't fret, dear table, you'll find new owners to take care of you!"

    "Probably better than us," Test Tube commented, messing with the glasses on her face, "we've blown up more things than we should've."

    "Yeah, but it was fun," Lightbulb said with a smile, patting the scuffed table top.

    The two girls turned their attention to the front of the class as their teacher, Professor Seven, walked up to the front. "Guys, guys, settle down. Alright, so since it's the last day of school — and I'm too lazy to teach — just do whatever. I don't mind as long as you don't hurt each other."

    The class erupted into discussion as Seven sat down in their chair and started doing something on their computer. Lightbulb reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone while Test Tube searched through her bag. She began pulling out random stuff and sorting it into piles on the table.

    Lightbulb glanced up from her phone with a confused expression. "...what are you doing?"

    Test Tube fixed her glasses when she looked up from her bag. "Pardon? Oh! I was cleaning out my backpack!" She pulled out a stack of papers, "It's a bit of a trainwreck in here!"

    She giggled before quickly reading the front paper. Her eyes widened as she smiled, "Oh wow! These are the papers from Paintbrush's interview!"

    "Yeah, I remember that! What were these for anyway?" Lightbulb wondered, snatching the papers from Test Tube. She inspected each page briefly before flipping to the next one.

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