Chapter 5 - Buzz

422 10 41

TW// Gender Dysphoria

Lightbulb - I'm homeeeeee :3

Paintbrush stared at the text. Should they respond? They should at least say something, they'd rather not be a douche and leave her on read.
    Paintbrush - alr, gimme a second :0

They readjusted in their seat and fixed their hair in the reflection of the phone screen. Then, the door opened revealing a tuckered-out Camera. Dang it.

    Paintbrush - sorry lightbulb camera just got here, can't call rn :/
    Lightbulb - Thats ojay
    Lightbulb -  Pkay
    Lightbulb - OMGA
    Lightbulb - Okay!!!

Paintbrush chuckled and put their phone away. Camera exhaled sharply and pushed her glasses up on the bridge of her nose, "Well, I'm guessing that you're ready to go home?"

They stood up and stretched, "Yeah, *yawn* I'm ready to go home..." they blinked and shuddered, "I'm cold, too." Camera laughed and ushered them out the door.

"Come on, why didn't you leave earlier? You could've, you know."

"I dunno, I guess I just didn't want to leave and you need me for something," she nodded and hummed in acknowledgment. They both parted ways after exiting the building, waving and hugging goodbye.

Paintbrush started their car and pulled out of the parking lot. They let their hands glide across the wheel as the car turned around a curb and onto the winding road ahead. They pulled up to an intersection and grumbled. Just a few feet in front of them was a line of traffic for as long as they could see. Great.

They felt their phone vibrate in their pocket. They debated reaching for it and looking at it, but they decided against it. They couldn't, they were on the road after all.

It vibrated again, then again, then again. After a while, it was vibrating every other second or so. My god, who is sooo eager to talk to me tonight? They reached for their phone and grabbed it. They pressed the power button and were blinded by 30 (and counting) messages from Lightbulb. They laughed and opened their messages.

    Lightbulb - PAINTY!!!!
    Lightbulb - PAINTY!!1!
    Paintbrush - WHAT
    Paintbrush - I'M IN TRAFFIC RN

Just as the text went through, Paintbrush's phone buzzed with a call. They answered it, just to hear a scream-whispering Lightbulb on the other end, "Hey Painty! Where are you?" They shrugged and looked out their window.

"I think I'm around Sullsburry Lane. I dunno why there's traffic though, it's past midnight."

"It was fine when we drove through. Oooh, what if there's like... aliens on the road?"

"I highly doubt that there would be aliens, Lightbulb," she shuffled around and made an 'aww' noise. After a few minutes of mindless conversation, traffic started clear up. They celebrated in their head and announced it to Lightbulb

"Ugh, finally the traffic's clearing up."

"Aww, that means you have to go. Can I call you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'll be free for the next few days," Lightbulb hung up after they finished their sentence, and sent a text.

    Paintbrush - you too!!!

Paintbrush felt their face split into a big dorky smile. They put their phone away and looked back at the road, which was becoming relatively empty the more they drove. Paintbrushes mind started to wander

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