Chapter 29 - Birthday Band

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Paintbrush pulled up the parking brake to their car, locking the brakes in place. They sighed and checked their looks in their car mirror. They messed with their hair and fixed their sunglasses, making sure they didn't look too recognizable.

"I feel like I'm watching a superhero put on a disguise for a secret mission," Lightbulb joked, gazing at them intently from the passenger's seat. They chuckled and flipped their sun visor back up, "I mean, I'm a superhero to some people, so I guess you are."

Lightbulb reached over the center console. She grabbed Paintbrush's cheek and turned their head to face her. "Well, if you're going 'undercover', then you shouldn't look like this!" She proclaimed, adjusting some parts of their appearance herself.

"Look like what?" They questioned, glancing down at themself. They didn't see anything wrong. Maybe it was because they were too focused on the sensation of Lightbulb's hand on their face. "You're attention-grabbing!" She argued, crossing her arms. They were a bit disappointed to feel her hand fall.

Paintbrush rolled their eyes and got out of the car, not minding Lightbulb's pestering. "Are you sure that's not just you?" They teased, leaning against the front of their car. She shut her door and fixed the bracelets on her arms, "Maybe! But that isn't important!"

"If anything you're more attention-grabbing than me! The second we step into the bowling alley, the blacklights will make you look like a neon flare," Paintbrush retorted, reaching over and ruffling Lightbulb's hair. She hit their hand away and jogged to the entrance, "You got a problem with that?"

A chuckle escaped them as they ran after her to catch up, "No because then it'll be easier to find you if you wander off!" They pushed the glass doors open and were instantly captivated by the bright colors and loud noises coming from the interior. They grabbed Lightbulb's hand on instinct, fearing she'd go wandering off.

Their assumption was right, as she grumbled and caught up to them. "I was just gonna go look at one of the games!" Paintbrush caressed her hand with their thumb, observing the place and trying to find the main counter, "Yeah, then you'd want to look at all of them."

"No! I just wanted to sit on the motorcycle!" Lightbulb elbowed them with an eye roll, "Why don't you let me do anything, Painty? You're so mean to me!"

Paintbrush smirked as they spotted the main desk in the middle of the neon-colored maze. "Gee, I wonder, it's almost like most of the stuff you want to do is illegal," They retorted, resting their elbow on the table. The worker looked up from his phone and rushed over to them. His curly hair was neatly fixed into a low bun, and under his bright blue worker vest, he wore a simple white button-up.

"Good morrow, how may I help you two today?" The worker asked, adjusting his vest and nametag. Their attention was drawn to it as he fixed it to be more legible. "Silver Spoon?" they read, getting their words together in their head, that sounds too sophisticated to be working at a bowling alley.

"Spooner!" Lightbulb chirped, bouncing on her heels. "Hey!"

Silver Spoon looked over to Lightbulb with a judgmental expression. He looked her up and down. " I know you?"

She scoffed and slammed her hands on the table, "Uh, yeah! How do you not remember me? Me and your bro Knifey absolutely wrecked one of your corsets when we were like 7!"

He stared at her, trying to remember the event she just described. His expression softened, "Oh, Lightbulb! My apologies, you look quite different from when you were a kid." Although his gentle smile faded as he registered what exactly happened that day, "How... pleasant to see you here."

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