Chapter 15 - Something New

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Paintbrush sighed, heading down the now familiar stairs of Lightbulbs house. The smell of the food wafted through the halls, making their stomach rumble. At least I can tolerate the smell.

  "Okay! I got both of you a bowl and you can pick out your drinks in the fridge." LED placed both of the food bowls at places on the dining table. Lightbulb went to grab both of their drinks and they took a seat at the table.

It was a very nice place. The table was set with a fancy cloth and the dining room was embellished with trinkets like candle holders and fruit bowls scattered throughout. There was a giant mirror at the back of the room, lined with big gold accents.

They pulled out their phone and opened Instagram, taking a picture in the mirror with their phone covering their face. I probably should've gotten ready, they thought as they ruffled their bleached hair. It didn't occur to them until now that they didn't look the most flattering.

Paintbrush typed in a quick caption, the words only reading, "At a friend's house" and swiftly added their usual tags. Once they clicked post, Lightbulb returned with their drinks, as well as her dad. He sat down at one end of the table with his food and waited for everyone else to get ready to eat.

This was weird to Paintbrush. Not only were they eating a diverse home-cooked meal, but they were also eating in a dining room with other people. They had a dining room in their house, but it was mostly used for storage. Their parents ate in the living room while they ate in their bedroom watching miscellaneous YouTube videos. They couldn't eat a meal without it, but they thought it would be impolite to pop in their Airpods and lose themself on the internet while eating dinner with their friends' parents.

Eventually, everyone had gotten situated at the 6 chair dining table. Mr. and Mrs. Bright sat on either end while Paintbrush and Lightbulb sat beside each other. Mr. Bright, who had introduced himself as Neon, said a quick prayer before they started eating.

They weren't very sure how to do that either. They just looked down and closed their eyes, hoping they weren't doing something wrong. Fortunately, they didn't.

"Alright, Painty! You just eat it like any other piece of food, there's nothing special to it!" Lightbulb said cheerfully, noticing them briefly eyeing their bowl. They sighed and picked up their fork, sticking it into a piece of chicken. They lifted it, closed their eyes, and ate it.

Immediately, they were hit with a wave of flavors they had never tasted in one bite before. "Mmm!" They hummed, going in for another bite, "That's delicious!"

Lightbulb giggled, eating some of hers as well, "See? I told you!"

After a while of friendly banter between the table members, Paintbrush took one final sip of their drink and finished off their meal. "Wow, that was amazing! Thank you, Mrs. Bright!"

LED smiled softly at their thanks, most likely glad to have made them smile, "Anytime!"

They grabbed their dishes and placed them in the sink, Lightbulb following after, "So! How'd you like dinner? Do you think you'll come over again? You're always welcome whenever even if for lunch! And breakfast, too! I don't know why you'll drive over here in the morning just to get breakfast, but my mom makes the best pancakes! You should try them sometime!"

Paintbrush let her go on her spiel, cleaning off their bowl and utensils in the kitchen sink. They shut off the water, letting it drain through, and putting their dishes on the drying rack, "Yeah, I'll definitely be coming over more often. And you know what you need to do?"


They placed their hands on her shoulders, "Make a song with me! Your voice is amazing and a lot more people need to hear it!" Lightbulb was stunned for a moment, a flattered blush coming over her face. She cupped her cheeks, "You were serious about that?" She grinned widely.

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