Chapter 44 - Full Circle

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Lightbulb watched as a lone drip of water trailed down her bedroom window; sliding down the glass surface before fusing with another and eventually falling to the ground below. It was quite a rainy day, nothing special about it. She didn't have any plans, only to stare out her window and watch the evening shower. The moon rose high above in the sky despite it being only eight o'clock. Daylight savings was a pain in the ass sometimes. She went on a rant to her mom one time about it, claiming they should move to Arizona to avoid the cursed hour forward or backward depending on the time of year.

But, alas, her mother refused, stating they were doing just fine with the extra time: much to her dismay. It didn't bother her to the point of anger, but it was inconvenient sometimes. The moment Lightbulb was having then, though, was not one of those times. The halo of the moon cast an otherworldly blue light across her neighborhood; the tall, ominous street lights cast a sharp golden light onto the pavement. It looked like a movie to her. The sight felt like a dream, just like Paintbrush made her feel sometimes.

Speak of the devil – a text lit up her phone, dragging her attention away from the scene. She wasn't too disappointed to see the one and only guitarist texting her, impatiently waiting for her response. She caved and opened their messages to see what they were saying. It was a surprise to find them spamming her name over and over to get her attention rather than the roles reversed. It put a smile on her face. Her partner was starting to copy her actions. How sweet. But also, they were a year late.

PAINTYAHHDSAU <3 - lightbubuubbblbl



Lightyyy - What's wrong pookie wookie

PAINTYAHHDSAU <3 - dont call me that

Lightyyy - Damn 😞

PAINTYAHHDSAU <3 - anyway i have an idea

PAINTYAHHDSAU <3 - are you like

PAINTYAHHDSAU <3 - doing anythign rn

PAINTYAHHDSAU <3 - cuz i wanted to go out soemwhere

Lightyyy - nope

Lightyyy - come pick me up 🤩

PAINTYAHHDSAU <3 - alr ill be omw in a minute

Lightbulb giggled in excitement as she rushed over to her closet, set on quickly coming up with a weather-appropriate outfit for their outing. She wasn't sure what they were hinting for the two of them to do, but whatever it was, she didn't want to look bad doing it.

She eventually settled on her navy raincoat with a small rainbow pattern on it. For legwear, she chose a pair of cargo pants with white stitching and finished off the simple outfit with her yellow rain boots. The rubber soles of her shoes tapped on the wooden steps as she headed downstairs to alert her mother where she was going.

Mrs. Bright was standing in her usual place by the kitchen window, leaning over the sink with a steaming cup of coffee in hand. She gazed out at the environment with a gentle smile like always, her legs crossed with the tip of her foot tapping on the scuffed tile flooring. At the sound of footsteps, LED turned around to greet her daughter who approached her. "Oh, hello, LB! What's got you all dressed up for the rain? Got somewhere to be?"

"Yep!" Lightbulb nodded in agreement. She unbuttoned one of the pockets of her raincoat and stuffed her phone inside to the best of her abilities, despite it slightly straining the rubber material. "Paintbrush said they wanted to go somewhere, so they're gonna pick me up in a bit."

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