Chapter 17 - Dress-up

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    It had been a month and a few days since Paintbrush met Lightbulb at the concert. They crossed off the date on their calendar. Monday, October 30th. The day before Halloween, and also the day when they spend hours making their costume due to procrastinating all month long. They didn't go out, but they did take pictures for their socials and dressed up for the fun of it.

    They could make a costume relatively fast, but the problem was figuring out who or what to dress up as. There were way too many options for their indecisiveness. They resorted to Pinterest, scrolling and scrolling to figure out an idea. A message popped up at the top of their screen from the group chat, which Lightbulb had named "Bright Lights" after her father's suggestion.

    "It's not a true group chat without a name!" She said during one of their outings in response to Paintbrush wondering why one of her groups was named "50 Shades of Disappointment". They didn't lie, they were a bit sad that their chat didn't have a name like that. But, oh well, it's what they ended up with.


    Well, there was an idea. They could match with Lightbulb.

        Paintbrush - idk what img onna be yet we can match if you wanted
        Lightbulb - OMG YES LETS MATCH
        Lightbulb - WHO SHOULD WE GO AS?
        Paintbrush - no idea
        Paintbrush - thats the most basic idea ive ever heard
        Paintbrush - i love it
        Lightbulb - YAYYY WE'RE GHOSTS

    Paintbrush smiled at her enthusiasm. It was sweet to watch Lightbulb get excited over little things. It's like she doesn't worry about anything major and takes baby steps with every action she makes, so she can pay attention to the smaller details.

    Like the other day, when she started hopping up and down because they gave her a pen in her favorite color. They were originally going to let her borrow it, but that grin made them change their mind. It's like it lit up the room every time it appeared. They couldn't help but smile back.

    They had asked her if she had any spare sheets, but she didn't. Their parents wouldn't let them use theirs, so they'd have to go get some from the store.

        Paintbrush - do you wanna come with me to the store
        Lightbulb - DO I????
        Paintbrush - do you
        Lightbulb - yes
        Lightbulb - NOW COME PICK ME UP

    They rolled their eyes and hopped up from their bed, their keys jingling in their pocket.

    "Hey Mom, I'm gonna go to the store with Lightbulb to grab stuff for our costumes," they called as they walked toward the door. "Be safe, and don't go anywhere else other than the store and her house, okay?" Their mother yelled, making sure her words were clear. They nodded and rushed out the door.

    Lightbulb waved as they pulled into her driveway, her outfit Halloween-themed. She wore black and purple stockings with a lavender skirt and a black zip-up jacket with Chococat on the front. Little black bats swung from her ears with her hair in a loose ponytail. She had her signature amount of bracelets on her wrists, with different words and phrases on them.

    Paintbrush glanced down at their outfit as she was getting in the car. It wasn't anything special, just a white shirt with black cargo pants and a few pieces of jewelry here and there. "Hey Painty! Where are we gonna go?"

    They started on their way, "Walmart, probably. Their stuff is pretty cheap so maybe we can buy things from there that aren't too expensive." They pulled out their phone and opened Spotify, letting Lightbulb pick a song first. She took their phone and started searching.

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