Chapter 11

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Taehyung deliberately took the time to eat with Jungkook and talk while having tea. He showed her the house and took her for a walk around the garden. Then, when the hem of the princess' dress was trailing on the ground, he would act like a gentleman to hold it up.

A man referred to as the god of war. Everyone looked at him with fear and admiration, but the princess didn't seem too afraid of Taehyung. Whatever he said, she naturally replied back.

The princess was somewhat cheerful, and Taehyung was also somewhat friendly. Watching Taehyung adjust his strides for the princess's slow pace, they looked like a happily married couple.

But the two didn't spend the night together.

This was because the princess was not feeling well every time. And she didn't even accept invitations to balls from the nobles. But the strangest thing was, Taehyung didn't say anything to her. He only told her to rest lots if she was unwell.

But Jimin felt as if she wasn't actually sick.

"You look so beautiful, Princess."

Jimin exclaimed at the princess sitting in front of the dressing table. Sitting on the princess's hair was a headdress gifted by Taehyung.


"Yes, really."

"It was made for me, so it does look good, I suppose."

Jungkook raised her hand and stroked the headdress a few times. Her thin hands felt at the bejeweled surface and slowly reached her hair. As she swept down with her fingertips, locks of her fine hair flowed gently between her fingers.

"You've complimented me on my pretty hair before," she grinned as she looked in the mirror. Then she turned his head and looked at Jimin standing behind her.

"Come to think of it, your hair is red too." Jimin shook her head, as if she hadn't thought about it.

"I'm a little different from you, madam. My hair is a dry, faded red color."

"It's pretty because it's like the colour of a faded maple leaf."

Unfamiliar with such compliments, Jimin scratched the back of her neck. But a shy smile came on, if not a bit sad.

"Looking at you sometimes reminds me of my sibling. She's your age, too."

"No, how dare I..."

"Maybe I'll never see her again."

Her hand, which had been sweeping down her hair, stopped, and loneliness was etched on her face. Jimin, who noticed the princess' sinking mood, opened her mouth in a bright voice as if she was trying to lighten the mood.

"You can see her! It's not that far from Astina! It may be a little hard, but if you take a wagon..."

"No, my father won't let me. He doesn't like me very much. " Jungkook's lips curled as she spoke in a loathing manner, her tone a bit uneven. "Astina is a conservative place, so once a woman gets married, that's it for her. I assure you, they won't even care if I die or disappear here. I don't think he cares at all. Does he even remember my face? He rarely even came to see me."

"That can't be."

Jimin tried to comfort her, saying that it could not be like that, but Jungkook's  face was grim. But after a moment, she spoke again with her usual gentle face.

"Leave. I need to rest. I haven't been feeling well lately. That's why I can only eat half a bowl of soup, right?"

Jimin opened her eyes wide at her words. She didn't know if she was serious or making fun of her. Not knowing what to answer, she stood with her mouth open. Jungkook burst into laughter and gestured to Jimin. Jimin, who came out of the room and was looking at the endless hallway, muttered to herself. "Isn't a princess' life a happy one?"

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