Chapter 20

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It was a peaceful afternoon with the sun beaming down on their heads, and Taehyung and the princess were sitting across from each other at a table in the garden, where two cups with a fine pattern were placed.

"How was your recuperation? It's a long way from here, so I was worried if anything would happen."

"Thanks for your concern. I enjoyed it a lot. It was my first time dipping my feet in a stream."

The princess's voice was a little excited, as if she was remembering that moment. In contrast, Taehyung's attitude was calm.

"Wasn't it lonely?"

"Yes. It was fun to have a change of scenery."

"That's good to know."

Jimin stood behind Taehyung and listened quietly to their conversation. He seemed busy lately, but he still had time available to spend with the Princess.

The princess turned her head and took a long look around her. She observed every corner of the garden methodically as if she was putting each one in her eyes.

"When I was there, I missed the garden here. It's been a long time since I've seen it. Would you show me around?"

There was no particular reply, but given Taehyung's usual personality, it seemed to be affirmative. Jungkook laughed aloud, a small laugh of amusement.

Jimin made a deliberate effort not to raise her head. She rubbed her shoes on the floor and looked at the flowers in the garden. But she glanced at them unconsciously.

She watched the edges of Taehyung's lips rise up toward Jungkook.

Through her own experiences, she was able to recognize his expression, albeit dimly, but when he smiled like that, it was two things. It could be mockery or satisfaction. Now it was the latter.

Jimin didn't want to see it, but she kept looking at him. Somehow she wanted to confirm if Taehyung pretended not to know her or what.

'Confirm? What the hell am I supposed to confirm?'

"It's been a while since I've worn these shoes, I think it scratched my heels. Can you bring me a different pair, please?"

While sipping her tea, the princess turned her head toward the servants. Ever since the princess returned from the villa, Olivia had been serving her instead of Jimin. Olivia immediately took a step forward, but Jimin's reply came first.

"I'll go."

Jimin left the garden as if running without even looking back.

Maybe she wanted to ventilate a bit. Or maybe she just didn't want to see him this way.

"What should I take?"

When Jimin arrived at the Princess's dressing room, she opened the shoe closet and found it crammed with shoes of various designs. However, she couldn't find the shoes that Jungkook usually wore. They were soft blue shoes.

As Jimin looked around, wondering if Jungkook had put them somewhere else, her eyes caught sight of something red that had fallen under the dresser. It was the hair ornament that Taehyung had given to Jungkook.

She bent over and picked up the ornament. Jimin remembered the moment when Taehyung had given it to Jungkook and put it directly in her hair.

He complimented her on how beautiful her hair was.

She recalled the princess's eyes shining brightly while playing dressed up. And just for that moment, she was like a princess, and so was her reflection in the mirror.

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