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September 1st is the official opening day of No. 8 Middle School. The freshmen who have finished their military training have changed out of their cheap military training uniforms and put on stereotyped school uniforms. They stand on the playground with their seniors and listen to the speeches of the school leaders. .

The school uniforms for all grades are the same color. At first glance, they are all dazzling white and elegant blue, blending together like a calm sea.

The playground is bounded by the flag-raising platform. To the right are the sophomore liberal arts and senior high school freshmen, and to the left are the senior sophomore science and senior graduating classes.

Ruan Mian stood in the middle of the team of girls from the second grade of high school (1).

The heat in Pingcheng in September was still lingering, and the ninety o'clock sun was making people drowsy.

She was closing her eyes, feeling the temperature of the sun through her eyelids, and a little weight suddenly fell on her shoulders, and she was pushed forward. Staggered.

Meng Xing Lan, who was leaning on her shoulder, leaned forward but never raised her head.

Her voice was sleepy, "When are they going to talk about it? I really want to go back to sleep..."

"It should be soon."

Ruan Mian said.

Meng Xing Lan straightened up, looking impatient.

Ruan Mian touched her pocket and found a White Rabbit toffee in her pants pocket.

"Eat candy?"

She turned her head to hand out the candy, and within a few seconds, she quickly glanced at the end of the line of boys in the class.

Chen Yi tilted his head and was talking to Jiang Rang, smiling a little dazzlingly.

Meng Xing Lan didn't notice Ruan Mian's little movements. She reached out to take the candy, opened it and put it into her mouth. Before she finished chewing, she heard Wu Yan, the dean of students on the stage, said that the opening ceremony was over. She couldn't help but raise her arms and stretch them. She slouched and said in a long, drawn-out voice, "It's finally over."

It was said that they left in order of class, but in the end it was still a mess, with people leaving in four directions: east, west, north, and south.

Meng Xing Lan took Ruan Mian's arm and walked towards the east gate nearest to them, "What's the next class?"

"It seems to be a chemistry class, I didn't pay much attention."

The closer to the exit, the slower the flow of people moved.

On a hot day, Ruan Mian raised her hand to wipe away the sweat on the tip of her nose.

The flow of people moved forward slowly.

When they came out of the playground, Meng Xing Lan took Ruan Mian to the small supermarket in the school.

"Whatever you want to eat, I'll treat you."

Ruan Mian was very polite and only took a bottle of water.

Meng Xing Lan: "..."

There were many people in the supermarket.

When checking out, Ruan Mian went outside to wait for Meng Xing Lan.

The campus was surrounded by soothing and old-fashioned singing.

A song was almost finished when Meng Xing Lan came out of the supermarket, holding a black plastic bag in her right hand and two ice cream cones in her left hand.

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