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In the evening, dusk enveloped the land, and the city with flowing traffic ushered in the evening rush hour day after day, and the long traffic flow came to a standstill.

It had been nearly forty minutes since Ruan Mian came out of the house.

The sunset outside the car window was filled with clouds, but at this time, she was no longer in the mood to appreciate it.

After seeing off Chen Yi and his family in the afternoon, Ruan Mian packed up two pieces of clothes and prepared to go to Fang Ru Qing's place.

Before going out, Ruan Ming Ke saw her taking the car keys and suggested that she take the subway when going out at this time, otherwise she would have to go to work after getting off work.

At peak times, she can be stuck on the road for a long time.

However, there is no direct line from Huabang World Trade City to Pingjiang Xixiang. She has to change lines in the subway and take a bus when she get out. Ruan Mian found it troublesome, so she chose to drive, and now she was really stuck on the road.

If she really doesn’t listen to the old man’s words, she will suffer the consequences in front of her.

Ruan Mian opened half of the car window.

The night breeze was mixed with car exhaust and smelled bad.

She closed it again.

At the same time, the traffic began to flow slowly.

By the time she reached Pingjiangxi Alley, dusk had fallen, and the night had fallen silently, and the traces of prosperity and old-fashioned intertwining in this area became more and more obvious.

Ruan Mian parked the car in a parking lot a few hundred meters away from the alley and walked back.

She didn't meet anyone she knew along the way. When she got home, Fang Ru Qing was busy working on dinner in the kitchen.



When Fang Ru Qing heard the sound, she immediately turned off the fire, wiped her hands and came out, "Just now I was talking to Shu Yang about why you haven't arrived for so long."

"There's a bit of traffic on the road."

Ruan Mian put down what she was holding, "Uncle Zhao hasn't come back yet?"

"He came back early. As soon as he heard that you were coming back for dinner in the evening, he put aside everything and ran back in the afternoon."

Fang Ru Qing smiled: "He took Shu Yang out to buy cold vegetables."

"Where is Zhao Shu Tang? Not back? "

Fang Ru Qing poured her a glass of water, "She is back. Lin Cheng's mother asked her to come over for dinner today. She won't be back until later."

Ruan Mian said, holding the water glass and walking to the kitchen with Fang Ru Qing, "When are she and Lin Cheng planning to get married?"

"Spring next year."

Fang Ru Qing started again: "Lin Cheng's parents plan to have a meal together on New Year's Day and choose a date."

"That's soon."


Ruan Mian took another sip of water and was about to mention Chen Yi when Zhao Shu Yang's voice came from the door, "Mom! Is my sister back?"

She put the cup aside, walked a few steps outside, and greeted Zhao Ying Wei, who came in later, "Uncle Zhao."

"Mian Mian is back."

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