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The monthly exam results came out on the first day after the National Day holiday.

Ruan Mian's partiality in subjects is as serious as ever. She got full marks in mathematics, and her total score in science and comprehensive science was 280. She was lucky enough to pass three digits in English this time, and the remaining Chinese language was just on the passing line, with a score of more than 90 points. No points.

After the results came out, she was invited to the office by Chinese teacher Zhao Qi as expected.

Teacher Zhao is a provincial first-level teacher. He has taught many students in key classes. He has seen students who are partial to subjects, but he has never seen such partial subjects.

After reading Ruan Mian's essay, he pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and it took him a long time to speak: "If I change the essay this time, I won't even give you thirty points."

Ruan Mian lowered her head, revealing a small section of her fair neck, and did not dare to answer.

Zhao Qi turned over her test paper and read it from beginning to end.

At the end, he poked the test paper with his finger and asked: "Look at the more than 100 students in the two experimental classes, who's score in Chinese is lower than yours? If you could put some of your focus on mathematics into Chinese, you wouldn't get such a small score in the exam. "

When she was a student, if you said a word more when the teacher was lecturing her, he would think you were contradicting him. Ruan Mian had often encountered this situation before in No. 6 Middle School, and she had already figured out a way to deal with the teacher.

She first allowed Teacher Zhao to train her enough, then she admitted her mistake and said that she would practice more diligently in the future and strive for a good score next time.

Teacher Zhao saw that she was sincere in admitting her mistake, and her grades in other subjects, including Chinese, were not bad. After all, she was still a good candidate, so he didn't ask any more questions, "I heard from your teacher Zhou that you just transferred this semester. If you come to No. 8 Middle School, then I don't care what your Chinese teacher taught you in your previous school. Now that you are here, I have no other requirements. As long as you study hard and strive to make a little progress every time."

Ruan Mian nodded and said, "I understand, thank you, Teacher Zhao."

"When it comes to studying, you not only have to work hard, but sometimes you also have to see how others learn. Listen more, watch more, and learn more. You can't make mistakes."

Zhao Qi picked up the tea cup and took a sip, "Look at your deskmate. He is on par with you in science, comprehensive and mathematics this time, but he got 130 points in the Chinese test. How did he do it?"

What a coincidence, Zhao Qi just mentioned Chen Yi this second, and the next second this person happened to walk by outside the office. Zhao Qi, with sharp eyes, held the tea cup and called out: "Chen Yi."

Ruan Mian subconsciously turned to look out the window.

The boy was holding a stack of test papers in his hand. His furry hair was soft and fluffy in the sunshine. His eyes fell on Zhao Qi's warm greeting.

The face had neat and clean outlines, full of vigorous and magnanimous youthful spirit, and his eyes were inexplicably blank.

Zhao Qi put down the tea cup and waved again, "Chen Yi, come on, come on."

Ruan Mian watched him turn around and walk in, her whole body was frozen. If Zhao Qi had asked her to go back to the classroom first, she would probably be able to get out of the same posture.

The Only You / There is No One Like You [Requested]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ