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The last day of 2008 was Ruan Mian's birthday, and that day also happened to be the New Year's Day party of No. 8 Middle School. The school had started preparing for the party more than half a month ago.

There are more than 100 classes in the school. Except for the senior high school students, every remaining class is required to submit a program, which is then reviewed by the school leaders and nearly one-half is cut off.

The rest had to perform on stage on the day of the party. Two science experimental classes in the second year of high school were supported by the school. The skit produced by the two classes passed all five stages and finally successfully stood on the stage that day.

The joy and hilarity at that time only belonged to the first and second grade students. The auditorium and the teaching building for the third grade students were far apart. They could not see the battlefield without gunpowder smoke and enjoyed all the beauty of this moment.

On the night of the party, Sheng Huan from the sophomore art class did not exit from the left side of the stage according to the original procedure after finishing the performance.

She picked up the loudspeaker thrown by her friends in the audience, and in front of all the teachers and students, she publicly stated that she wanted to pursue Chen Yi, a classmate from the second grade science class (1).

In the hundred years since the establishment of No. 8 Middle School, this was the first time that something like this happened. Thousands of teachers and students in the audience were caught off guard in the silence, and suddenly burst into a burst of screams that could knock off the roof.

The scene was almost out of control. The students were screaming, shouting, and booing, while the school leaders had different expressions on their faces.

Wu Yan, the dean of students, was the first to react. He rushed to the stage in three steps and grabbed the big girl's hand.

The speaker pushed people down the stage.

That was the first time Ruan Mian saw Sheng Huan. The girl's makeup was exquisite, free and easy, and the cheap and low-quality performance clothes showed her best look.

Amid the almost uncontrollable screams in the audience, she turned to look at Chen Yi, who was sitting not far away.

The boy was wearing a baseball cap and looking at his phone with his head lowered, as if all this madness had nothing to do with him.

For a moment, Ruan Mian sympathized with Sheng Huan, but at the same time, she envied her.

Because, among so many girls in the school, no one is as brave as her, so desperate, and says she likes her without any scruples.

Ruan Mian looked away, hearing Meng Xing Lan's uncontrollable excited scream: "Oh my god! Sheng Huan is so cool! A girl like me is going to fall in love with her!"


Who could not love such a beautiful and eclectic girl.

The girl's overly beautiful face appeared in Ruan Mian's mind, and she couldn't help but turn her head and look back. Chen Yi's seat was vacant.

By that time, the party had managed to get back on track under Wu Yan's suppression.

The scene was no longer as sensational as before.

Ruan Mian stretched her neck and looked around.

Finally, at the exit of the auditorium, she saw the boy walking out. Behind him was Sheng Huan, who had just stood on the stage and confessed to him.

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