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Chen Yi returned to City B more than ten days ago.

He was seriously injured.

The situation in West Asia was complicated and emergencies could happen at any time.

After Song Huai received the news, he immediately arranged for people and helicopters to take him and the other two injured people away. Returned to China.

After returning home, he was rushed to the military hospital.

He had been half-awake and half-conscious for the past few days, and his condition became more stable three days ago.

The few days he was injured made Chen Yi lose track of time.

In addition, the situation had just stabilized and he was weak.

Although he was stabilized, he was always falling asleep.

He didn't fall asleep until the morning because of the pain from his wound yesterday.

He slept until night.

He seemed to remember something.

When the nurse came to hang up the water, he asked the time and realized that it was already the 31st.

In his current state, just getting out of bed and walking around is enough to make the doctor scream, let alone being discharged to other places.

Chen Yi borrowed a mobile phone from a nurse and called Shen Yu.

They returned from their mission three days ago and were on vacation during this period.

After Shen Yu came over, he waited for the doctor to finish checking the room, threw a coat to Chen Yi, and sneaked out of the hospital secretly, "What, did I send you there directly?"

"Go back to my place first."

Chen Yi returned to his residence in the east of the city. He couldn't touch the wound with water and couldn't take a bath, so he wiped it with hot water, trying to wipe away the smell of disinfectant on his body.

After packing up, before going out, he sprayed some perfume on his body uneasily, but he didn't expect that the perfume would be the same as the perfume.

At this moment, Ruan Mian unbuttoned Chen Yi's shirt, saw the bandage on his shoulder, lowered his head and said, "You never wore perfume before."

"When you do this, I pay more attention."

She is a doctor and is particularly sensitive to the smell of hospitals. In addition, he always kept a vague distance from her tonight, and it was difficult for Ruan Mian not to be suspicious.

Chen Yi was exposed, so he didn't hold on.

He held her hand and stopped her from looking any further.

If he felt right, the wound on his waist should have been torn.

"stop looking."

Chen Yi's eyes fell on her face, and his voice was a little different from the usual weakness, and even his breathing was a little lower, "Send me back?"


Ruan Mian got up and got his coat, then went back to the house to change clothes, and took the keys and mobile phone, looking a little anxious.

Chen Yi put on his coat and stood there watching her change her shoes.

The wound hurt from pulling and pulling, and because the heater was a little warm, some sweat broke out on his forehead.

The Only You / There is No One Like You [Requested]Where stories live. Discover now