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After worshiping the Buddha and making a wish, Li Zhi led the three people around the mountain.

After lunch, the driver came to pick them up and go down the mountain.

The way back was not as crowded as when they arrived, the mountain breeze whistled through the cracks in the windows, there were mountains in the distance, and the sun filled the mountains.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the same spot as in the morning.

Li Zhi was the first to get out of the car, rubbing his shoulders. With his coat open, he turned around and asked Ruan Mian, "Let's have a meal together."

She was really hungry at this point.

Ruan Mian nodded: "Okay."

On the way back, Li Zhi and Ruan Jun chatted about games and successfully established a friendship that only belongs to boys.

At this moment, Li Zhi hooked the little boy's shoulder and looked like the two brothers were getting along, "What do you want to eat? The executive brother is treating you. "

"Grilled fish!"

Ruan Jun lives here all year round and knows where to find delicious food. "It's just east of the bridge. My dad often takes me to eat there."

"Okay, let's go eat grilled fish."

Li Zhi turned around and asked them, "Is this all you want to eat?"

Neither of them had any objections.

The three eldest children were led by one child to the east side of the bridge.

It was already the market closing point.

There were no people on the street and all the vendors on the roadside had closed their stalls.

The grilled fish restaurant Ruan Jun was talking about was called Xishan Grilled Fish.

After dinner, there were only the boss and the waiter in the store.

The waiter came over and gave menus and tea.

After ordering, Li Zhi took a sip of tea from his cup and looked up at Ruan Mian, "Is your grandma's house in Xiping in the south?"


Ruan Mian also asked: "Is your home in the north?"

Li Zhi nodded, "That's the innermost one on the west side of the bridge."

If the residents of the two Xipings in the north and south are not related to each other, they don't have close contact with each other on weekdays.

What's more, Ruan Mian and Li Zhi don't come here often. If they didn't meet by chance at the market that day, they probably wouldn't know when. Only then can you know this.

It all sounds like fate.

Li Zhi was lively and Ruan Jun was talkative and talkative, so the meal was quite lively.

After dinner, it was almost three o'clock in the afternoon.

The four of us were a little tired after running all morning, so they did not engage in any other activities and separated at the end of the bridge and went back to their respective homes.

During the next few days when Chen Yi lived in Xiping, Li Zhi basically asked Ruan Mian to go out to play, go fishing, roller skating, or go to a small movie studio to watch movies.

As long as she could play, she would basically not miss it. .

Days passed by, and the Spring Festival was already in sight.

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