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The cover of the notebook has faded a little, and the paper inside is yellowed and the writing is a little blurry, but it doesn't prevent it from being legible.

Chen Yi turned to the first page, and there were only two lines written on it. 

One line was a date that was very distant and had no impression on him, and the other line was a sentence that he was particularly familiar with.


Erdong Chen, standing erect can reach the stars.

Chen Yi was stunned for a few seconds, and for a moment he thought of that hot and dull summer night, and of that taciturn girl who was timid even looking at him.

After learning about Ruan Mian's past love, he recalled things related to her in his memory countless times, trying to find the origin of this love from a certain node, but he never thought that there is a kind of love in this world. It's called love at first sight.

His innocuous words were a lasting heartbeat in her long years.

Chen Yi suddenly realized what the notebook in his hand was. 

He seemed to be holding his breath, and the hand holding the notebook was trembling slightly.

His Adam's apple slid up and down, his fingertips lifted lightly, and he turned to the second page. 

The paper made a slight movement when it was rubbed, and this page also had two lines of dragon and phoenix dancing.


What's wrong.

Chen Yi was no stranger to this date. It was the opening day of No. 8 Middle School, and it was also the first day he once mistakenly thought he met Ruan Mian.

He started on the wrong track from the beginning and found the right track again after more than ten years.

Chen Yi flipped through a few more pages. 

Most of the dates and contents were still fragmentary and vague to him today.

In those years that he didn't know about, all the girl's heartbeat and sadness seemed to have nothing to do with him, but they happened to be related to him.

He staged a vigorous and important drama in her world, but she was just an insignificant supporting role.

It's silent when you arrive, and no one knows when you leave.

Just like on January 30, 2009, she made a wish at Xishan Temple that "I will see him forever", but she just wrote a scrawled and casual wish that it wouldn't snow tomorrow.

And on September 1, 2009, she might have been sad that he was going abroad, so the handwriting on this page had traces of water stains. 

But at that time, Chen Yi was busy with going abroad. He was very anxious, but occasionally he was glad that he could get out of the misery of his senior year of high school as soon as possible.

Seventeen-year-old Chen Yi didn't know that his departure was a forced separation for the sake of his studies, but to seventeen-year-old Ruan Mian, it was a regret that he would never see her again.

She said she didn't like him anymore.

But on the next page, another sentence appeared, I seemed to like him more than I thought, I couldn't learn to stop the loss in time, even though I wanted to stop, I still had him in my eyes.

She lost the game, and he gave up the walk.

She returned to the boring and monotonous life of senior high school. 

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