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It rained again at night, and the hot weather in Lorraine for several days was completely wiped out by the rain. It was still a bit chilly in the middle of the night.

It was past eleven o'clock when Ruan Mian finished the work at hand.

Tonight was her last night shift.

Once tomorrow is over, everything here will be in the past.

She came out of the temporary ward with the medical record board under her arm and walked to the treatment desk, where Song Yang Ling was writing a list.

She looked up and saw someone and called out: "Doctor Ruan."

Ruan Mian stopped for a moment, then changed the direction of her toes in the next second, walking towards the treatment desk, and asked casually: "Why haven't you handed over your shift yet?"

"Wait a minute, finish sorting this out and leave."

Song Yang Ling stopped writing and looked at her: "Hey, I added you on WeChat last time, why didn't you approve me?"

Ruan Mian's eyelids twitched.

She was so busy during this period that she barely had time to touch her mobile phone. That is, she sent messages to her parents every morning to report that she was safe. Because of this, there were a lot of unread messages accumulated in WeChat. Didn't notice anything else.

She pursed her lips and apologized: "I'm sorry, I've been too busy these days and didn't bother to read the messages on my phone."

"no problem, no problem."

Song Yang Ling picked up the cell phone next to her: "Then I'll call you again now. Remember to pass me when you go back this time."

"Okay, I'll get my phone later."

Ruan Mian actually guessed a little bit of the reason why Song Yang Ling added her WeChat account, but neither of them could figure it out.

"It's okay, don't worry."

Song Yang Ling smiled: "You are going back early the day after tomorrow, right?"

Song Yang Ling's medical team is the second batch of reinforcements sent from the Affiliated Hospital, and it is estimated that they will not be able to evacuate here until the end of the month.

"Yes, I have a flight the day after tomorrow."

"I really envy you, but I also admire you for surviving such a dangerous situation."

Ruan Mian smiled and said, "Times create people, and it will be the same for you."


Song Yang Ling's gaze happened to be facing the central door.

When Chen Yi closed his umbrella and came in, she saw it at a glance.

At that time, Ruan Mian was thinking about how to end this meaningless courtesy.

When he raised his eyes and saw her staring at him, he subconsciously followed her.

Chen Yi had not yet come in after closing his umbrella. He met Yu Zhou and Zhou Zi Heng who had come out for some fresh air at the door, and stopped to say a few words.

Zhou Zi Heng's left leg was injured during the earlier rescue and became permanently disabled. He would have to retreat from the front line when he returned this time.

Although he seemed to be in good condition after the injury and occasionally joked with the team members, Chen Yi knew that he was suffering in his heart.

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