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On March 11, the morning of the third day after the Lorraine earthquake, a small-scale aftershock occurred in Lorraine. It only lasted a few seconds. 

The army detected and warned in advance. It caused no casualties and had little impact. Rescue efforts the mission continues, with medical teams recording over a thousand deaths and an unknown number of missing persons.

Wounded people were constantly being brought into the makeshift medical center.

 Rescue vehicles were pulling critically ill patients to hospitals outside the disaster area. 

The medical staff present were like tireless tops, shuttling among the wounded. They used to be white and clean. The white coat was stained with blood and dusty.

Ruan Mian was at the medical center in the morning, followed the medical team to the scene in the afternoon, and was busy until nine o'clock in the evening, when she followed the last wounded person back to the medical center.

After returning home and grabbing a few bites of food, Meng Fu Ping temporarily summoned the staff of Union Medical College Hospital to have a meeting in the open space outside the center. Ruan Mian grabbed her white coat and ran out in a hurry.

Meng Fu Ping said: "Tomorrow the rescue team will organize people from the disaster area and some medical team personnel to follow the evacuation. Anyone present who is an only child can apply to be transferred back."

There were more than a dozen people in their group who came for training, most of them were only children, but Meng Fu Ping waited for ten minutes and no one raised their hand to say he wanted to leave.

Ruan Mian put her hands in the pockets of her white coat and stood quietly among the crowd, with the starry sky above her head and the ruins beneath her feet, feeling peaceful in her heart.

After a long time, Meng Fu Ping smiled and shook his head: "Okay, I underestimated you. Since no one wants to leave, let's work hard and don't lose the face of our Union."

Several soldiers who were resting in the dark heard Meng Fu Ping's words and raised their hands to applaud. The group turned around, with a tired and determined smile on everyone's face.

After the meeting, the group returned to their respective posts, inspected the injured, prepared for surgery, and counted medicines. Everything went in an orderly manner.

At one o'clock in the night, there was a sudden rush of footsteps outside the medical center, and then several injured soldiers were brought in, each with a bloody head.

Director Zhou of the Affiliated Hospital, as the leader on duty that night, arranged emergency surgeries for four of the more seriously injured soldiers.

"Send these to the processing room and hand them over to the doctors there."

Director Zhou followed the car to the operating room and said in a hurried tone: "Go and ask Director Jiang and Director Meng to come over!"


The nurse hurried out to call someone again.

Ruan Mian, Lin Jia Hui and several doctors from other hospitals heard the noise outside in the treatment room. Before they could go out, the soldiers with less serious injuries were brought in.

In addition to the skin trauma on the forehead, the one Ruan Mian received also had a deep gash on his right calf, about an inch long, with the skin and flesh turned outwards, which looked a bit shocking.

The nurse, who was a little older, connected him to an intravenous drip and asked with concern: "How did you do it?"

Probably due to excessive blood loss, the man's voice was a little weak: "During the rescue of a private house in the South District, we encountered a second collapse. At that time, everyone was inside rescuing people and could not run away. Fortunately for me, I was in charge of responding to the crowd at the entrance. When the wall came down, our captain pulled me up, and those were my teammates..."

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