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A/N: This chapter talks a bit about angel classes, so I wanted to let you know that the different classes and their abilities have been added to the intro. Happy reading!

Everything happened so fast that Axel was still wrapping his head around the situation as he was being set down on a street a few blocks from the collapsing apartments. The man's white wings disappeared as he folded them against his back. Looking up, Axel's jaw hung open slightly in awe.

The man was dressed in combat gear typical of an angel of Heaven. His pants and shirt were hazy blue and matched with the jacket he wore over his grey bulletproof vest. His boots and belt matched the grey of the vest, and the guns and blades strapped to his waist, thigh, and calves were silver.

The man's golden eyes widened when he saw the bloodied cloth wrapped around Axel's arm. Reaching for the cloth, the man quickly unwrapped it and observed the gunshot wound. The man's brows furrowed as he removed the grey finger-less glove from his right hand and placed his fingers on the wound. Axel winced as sharp pain shot through his arm. After a short moment, the bullet flew out of Axel's arm, the man catching it with his left hand.

The angel studied the bullet for a moment before tossing it onto the ground. Noticing Axel's silver eyes, the man asked, "Hangel?"

"Sorry?" Axel voiced. What's a hangel?

"Half-human, half-angel," The man clarified.

Ahh, so that's what I am. "Ae." Axel's short reply brought out a smile from the man, and his whole demeanor changed.

"What's your name?" The man asked as he checked on Axel's arm before wrapping the cloth back around the wound. His voice was more cheerful, and Axel could sense a playful aura about him.

"Axel." He could tell the man meant no harm, so he decided it was safe to interact with him.

"Nice to meet you, Axel. I'm Destil," The angel returned. "Be careful with those bullets. They contain a demon's essence that can kill you if you get too much."

Axel's eyes widened at the man's warning. So, that's what that weird pain was.

The bullets shot by the forces of Hades were infused with demon essence to accomplish multiple tasks. If shot into an angel, the demon essence would act as a poison and slowly kill the angel. If injected into a human without the bullet killing them, it would turn them into a demi-demon, and if shot into a demon, it would strengthen them. The soldiers from the Heavens, who were on Earth at the time of the attack, discovered this after several of their fellow soldiers died from non-fatal gunshot wounds.

"There is a refugee camp being set up in District 17. They have medical aid there. Go and get your wound looked at," Destil said as he stepped away from Axel and unfurled his wings.

Axel furrowed his brows in confusion. "Can't you heal it? You're an angel after all."

Destil chuckled lightly at Axel's inquiry. "Not all angels can heal, Axel. There are different types of us. You'll need a Healer Class for that. I'm of the Warrior Class. Apologies."

Axel fell silent at the man's explanation. I forgot there were different types of angels. I must look so stupid right now.

"Stay safe, Axel. It was nice to meet you."

"Ermm," Axel sounded as Destil prepared to take flight. Stopping, the angel turned and looked at Axel, waiting for him to speak. "Thank you...for saving me."

Destil's expression softened at the boy, and he smiled. "My pleasure." Pointing to Axel's arm, Destil said, "Be sure to get that looked at," before running and jumping into the air.

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