Chapter 19 | Kindness Always Has a Price

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How... is she still alive?

For around five days, this murderous and strangely adorable man has taken care of her.

He's found incredible enjoyment out of feeding her different types of food he manages to whip up. She's been fed steak, rabbit, bear, lamb, venison, and all sorts of fish.

Sometimes- Sam has to remind herself that he's her captor... not a caretaker.

Especially considering the gifts he brings her every day.

She had two old but clean vases for bouquets he brought back for her. The man has gifted her candies he finds, notes of affirmation, blankets, and pillows. All of it's been so sweet... it's overwhelming.

Though, he probably stole the candies from his victims...

The ginger woman was sitting on the bed with her fractured leg in its splint. She hunched over a book in her lap.

Fairylights subtly flickered periodically. The shelves were fuller than before, but potential weapons have been removed as she's become slightly less inanimate. 

There was rarely enough noise in the lair to keep her sane. She preferred it whenever it was raining, the echoing noises distracting her from the scuttling rats and mocking silence, but the downside was the periodic leaks in the ceiling.

It was also more moist. She hates how moist it is- it makes her feel like a fungus in a cave.

She put a blank bookmark in between the pages and closed the book with a tired sigh.

Sam shifted her gaze to the note sitting on her stool- rereading the words out of boredom.

The murderer was writing notes to her more. The most recent note was one, in his classic chicken scratch, explaining that she had a spiral fracture and needed six weeks to heal.

Would it be better to be in an insane asylum? Perhaps her diet would be worse... but anything to avoid the damp soil.

She was anxious about the future, honestly. What did those weeks look like with him?

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