Chapter 23 | The Monsters Are Real

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Tears spilled down her cheeks like a leaking faucet

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Tears spilled down her cheeks like a leaking faucet.

Her horror-filled eyes, wide and desperate, stared into his warm cerulean eyes. They gazed back with determination.

Jason's deep and grave voice had broken her from her grief-stricken sobs.

Grief over the loss of her future ability to sleep soundly at night. That creature, forever screaming and staring, was engrained into her mind like an unforgivable curse.

Its frustrated puffs against the window could be heard under her harsh breathing. Regardless of the blocked window, the horrible creature obviously hasn't moved from its place. Her thoughts returned to its horrible face.

The man in front of her took one of his hands off her shoulder and held a finger to his masked mouth.

Sam shakily took her hands off her mouth and nodded- eyes clouding with more emotion.

He uses his thumb to tenderly wipe away her tears before tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "Sheep are harmless." His rough voice stood out as boldly as lightning, "But they attract... worse ones."

Her skin tingled under his timid touch. It felt like he was attempting to coo a timid puppy into relaxing... petting and reassuring it motherly.

"W-Worse... ones?" She'd sniffle slightly- her nose getting wet and clogged with emotion.

Jason nodded, "They follow people around-" He cleared his unused throat, "-and make loud noises." 

She squeezed her eyes shut and took in a deep breath. More tears slid down her cheeks, causing Jason to wipe them away again. The comforting tactic made her ease.

"Am-Am I hal-halucinating?" She whispered with a shaky voice.

His brows furrowed, and eyes crinkled under his mask- telling her he was frowning. He soothingly ran his fingers through her ginger hair before scooping her in his large arms. She lightly gasped and held onto his shirt tight.

Jason shook his head in response before taking her back down the hallway.

He was incredibly delicate with her leg as he walked sideways to avoid brushing her bad leg against the wall.

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