Chapter 25 | You're Important to Me

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He ducked his head to look under the bed.

Darkness alluded to him, swirling like a mass of cursed fog. It disappeared in the blink of an eye when he flicked the flashlight.

The wooden floor, covered in dust, was all he saw. A small cellar spider had set up a web against the wall- but that was all. The spider was the most disconcerting insect known to man- actually.

"There's nothing." He concluded after turning off the light.

The little girl curled up on the bed and shifted slightly, "You-You're sure?" She'd fidget with the arm of the teddy bear.

It was his teddy bear- one his mother gifted him. He was letting Sam use it because she was scared of the dark... a feat of trust that hadn't been accomplished with anyone else but her.

"There's no monsters." He crawled onto the bed and sat beside her.

She was under the blanket in her pair of bunny pajamas. "But wh-what if-" She'd hug the bear tightly, "I-If it ra-ran awa-away?"

Jason thought for a moment. Would telling her it didn't help? That'd elude to one existing in the first place.

"What if I stayed with you tonight?" He suddenly asked boldly. Sleepovers were something friends did together... he'd always wanted to know what that was like.

Sam appeared fond of the idea. The boy was only a year older than the 6-year-old... but she felt much safer with him.

He was stronger, wasn't he? Since he's lived in the woods his whole life... he'll know what to do!

"Yo-You'll ke-keep the m-m-monsters aw-away?" Her stutter was bad, especially in her nervous state, but Jason kept telling her it was improving.

The boy grinned at her, "I'm a boy scout!" He exclaimed pridefully, "I'll protect you no matter what."

Because, even in the face of life or death, he'd protect what he loved with the loyalty of a soldier.

It'd been a while since she last dreamt of her childhood.

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