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Kairav's pov.
I get up from my bed and pick up my phone to see the time. No way i slept this much. It's almost 4pm and i just go up now.
I freshen up and walk downstairs to see everyone present in the living room.
Natasha saw me coming downstairs and said.

"Finally you're up".

"Hmm". I say and sit proceeds to sit on the sofa beside reyansh.

He looks like he just got up now. Thank God iam not the only one.

"Did you all forget that you have to go to Odisha tomorrow?". Mom asked.

"We remember mom". Rahul says.

"Have any of you booked flight tickets? Or all of you are going by train". Dad asked.

"Ofcourse by plane dad". Natasha replies.

"Where are the tickets?". Dad says.

"They must have booked, no?". I asked.

"Ask them". Mom says.

Natasha calls Ivaan.
"He isn't picking up". She says cutting the call.

"Call someone else ". Mom says.

She calls armaan and he picks up gratefully.

"Speaker pe rkh". I tell her.

"Hii Armaan". She says.

"Hii". He says huskily. Must be sleeping.

"Did i ruin your sleep?". She asks.

"No no it's fine, i was about to get up anyways, you tell me. You called? Is there something important you want to talk about?". He says.

"Oh yes, can you tell me if any of you have booked the flight tickets to Odisha or not?". She says.

"Wait a second, I'll go downstairs and ask them". He says.

We wait for some seconds until we hear Mahira's voice.

"You're finally up, see i made pancakes for everyone, you should try it".

"I don't want to die this early bacha". He says jokingly.

"Whatever". She says. I could imagine her rolling eyes.

"Where are others?". He asked her.

"Ivaan bhai went to his office for an important meeting, dad went with him, mom went with her Friends somewhere, raavi went to priyal's house and Ahaan is in the gaming room". She explains.

"Do you know if anyone booked the flight tickets to Odisha or not?". He asks her.

"Ohh yes, mom said to call bhabhi to tell her that ivaan bhai booked the tickets, i was making pancakes so i forgot about that, can you call her and tell her?". She asks politely.

I just smiles at her and others laughs.

"She is cute, no?". Mom says.

"Indeed". Dad says.

"Hello bhabhi, are you there?". Armaan says.

"Yeah yeah armaan i heard everything, thanks. I'll call you later". Natasha says.

"Okay bye". He says and cut the call.

"I'll ask Ivaan about the timing"she says and we nod at her.

Mahira's pov.
"What the hell bhaii, why didn't you tell me the call was on?". I asked Armaan.

"Did you ask?". He said.

"Go to hell". I said.

"Keep pancakes for me, I'll come in 5 minutes". He says and run upstairs.

I put pancakes on the plate and go to gaming room to serve Ahaan some. He hasn't even eaten lunch yet.
Typical gamers.

I knock on the door but no reply comes.
I knock again still no reply.

I enter the room and ofcourse he has his headphones on.

"Ahaan eat this". I said putting the plate on the side table.

He doesn't even look at me.

"Ahaan". I say hitting him.

"What!". He says more like yells.

"Eat this". I say pointing towards the pancakes.

"Did you make this?". He asks removing his headphones.


"I don't want to die this early". He says.

I roll my eyes and leave the room.
I come downstairs and see armaan eating the pancakes.

"Didn't you say i don't want to die this early ". I ask him.

"Get lost". He says.

"What a great way to say thank you ". I mock.

He shows me his middle finger and i throw my shoe at him.

"Tit for tat". I yell and walk to the living room.

I put on some Netflix series and Armaan joins me after sometime sipping his coffee.

After some time my eyes feel heavy and I drift to my Dreamworld.
I wake up hearing voices.
I look at my surroundings to see everyone sitting on the sofas except where i was sleeping.

"No Ivaan we can't-". mom saw me getting up and stopped talking.

"Look at this princess". She says.

"What did i do now?". I ask her sleepily.

"Do you know the time? It's 10pm, you skipped breakfast then lunch and now dinner too, all you had in the day is pancakes, do you want to die?". She shouts angrily.

"Hmm". I say and walk to dadda and hug him while putting my head on his chest.

"You all have spoilt her so much". She says and my dadda laughs.

"I only have one daughter. Who am i gonna spoil other than her?". Dadda says.

"Exactly". I whisper.

"Oh miss world, you get up and pack your bags". Ivaan bhai says.

"Dadda, I won't pack. Tell them to pack for me". I said giving him puppy eyes.

"Ivaan you go and pack for her". Dadda tells him.

"But dad, how would i know what would she need?". He says.

"For how many days are we going?". I ask him still hugging dadda.

"Two days". He says.

"Then pack 4 dresses, 2 heels 2 shoes, my accessories like goggles, chains, rings, and bracelets". I tell him.

"Now you know". Dadda tells him while patting my head.

"Don't spoil her this much or you'll cry when she will go". Armaan says.

"Where is she going?". Dadda asks.

"She is not going anywhere for now but one day she will, she has to marry someday". Armaan explains.

"She and marriage? She doesn't even know how to cook, how to clean, you think someone will marry her like this?". Mom says.

"Mom please, don't be old-school. Who does cooking and cleaning nowadays? Everyone has maids for that". I tell her. She just shakes her head.

"Yes and I'll not let my only daughter go away from me, if someone wants to marry her, he has to live with us all his life". Dadda says.

"Exactly". I say and they all laugh.
I wish to stay like this, forever.

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