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Mahira's pov.
"What are you doing here?". Raavi asks in
sleepy voice.
"I'm here for you". Ahaan says pointing to priyal.

"Are you out of your mind? You are here for her this time? Have you seen the time?". I ask angrily.

"Shhh, don't shout. Go and sleep, I'll just take her with me". He says and tries to hold her hand.
She just shoves his hand and glares at him.
Not this time please.

"I'm not coming with you". She states.
Me and raavi look at each other then at them.

"Baby please?". He says pleading her.

"Why do you need me now? Isn't that Aashvi the most beautiful girl on this planet? Go to her". She says crossing her arms.

"I'll make it up to you. I promise, but please give me a Chance". He says.

"No". She says.

"You guys settle this outside of this room, we have to sleep". I say pushing them outside and locking the door.

"Good job". Raavi says.
We both walk to our bed and drift to sleep.
Timeskip to morning.
I was woken up by continuous knocking on the door as well as Raavi.
She walks to the door and opens it.
"Armaan bhaii". She states.

"Is she still sleeping?".i hear him asking.

"No, she's awake". She says. Idiot Raavi.

"Okay so someone is still upset about yesterday". He says. I was lying on the bed back facing him. I hear his footsteps coming towards my direction.

I didn't reply.
After some moments i feel a hand caressing my hair.

"Sorry Mahi". He says.

"I don't want to talk to you". I say slowly.

"Okay". He says and stop caressing my hair.
I hear footsteps for a while and look at the door to see him walking outside.
Did he just go away? Without even coaxing me? Great.

"Did you see him? Did you see how he just went away? He didn't even say sorry to me properly". I say complaining to Raavi. She just chuckles.

"You know what, there should be documentary on you guys, iam sure it would be pretty boring though". She says laughing and i throw a pillow at her.

"Go to hell, everyone should go to hell". I shout at her as she walks to the washroom.
I just pull my hair in frustration and scream. I'm going to be crazy soon.

Wait, where is piri? Why isn't she back yet? Don't tell me they were doing funny business all night. Tobah tobah.
I pick up my phone and call Ahaan. He doesn't pick up.
I try calling him again, this time he picks up.

"Who's this?". He says in hoarse voice.

"Teri maa". I say in frustration.

"Mom? Why are you calling so early?". He says little clearly.

"Abey, iam mahira. And where are you? Where is piri? What did you do all night? Why isn't she- ". No way. Did he just hang up on me?
Everyone is testing my patience today. And they day hasn't even started properly.
I'll just book the ticket and fly back to Mumbai. I can't live here longer.

I was about to book online ticket when i heard a knock on the door.
"Bhabhi?". I say looking at natasha bhabhi standing there.

"Did i disturb you?". She asks coming inside.

"No, no ofcourse not, please sit". I say moving the blanket aside.

She sits on the bed and says.

"Actually i forgot to bring the dupatta for my dress, and I can't go to the temple without one. So i wanted to ask you. Do you have dupatta that can match go well with this?". She asks showing me her dress i suppose.

Nothing, But A Dare(#1)Where stories live. Discover now