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Third Person's POV;

~ The City Club ~

"Let go of me!" A twenty year old girl, dressed in all black exclaimed. "I'll sue you if you touch me, let me go!" She tried pulling her hand out of the man's grasp.

She was pretty with big, round and dark eyes etched in a oval shaped face. Her figure was one that of a model with a tiny waist, long slender legs and a fair skin.

"Sue me? Haha, don't be silly Maria, I'm your boyfriend!" The man holding her by her wrist said.

"Boyfriend? Are you Morgan?" Maria asked.

"Yeah, it's me." Morgan seemed to lose his patience. "Be a good girl and come with me, you need to sleep!"

He looked the same age as that of Maria. He was neither burly, nor was his figure slender, but somewhere in between and his appearance was tall and sturdy, his handsome face and blue eyes held a hint of coldness in them and one who doesn't know him well would know better than to approach him just like that!

In all honesty, Maria was drunk, one could say that by just a glance and one could also say that though she was drunk, she was trying to guard herself. But no one dared to intervene, for the man wasn't alone. He was with his friends; all big shots and one of them was even known for his ruthlessness!

"Even if you're Morgan, you cannot force me! I want to go, so leave me..." Maria shook her hand that Morgan was holding, but couldn't get it out of his hold.

"Enough Maria!" Morgan hissed. "Let's go!" He began dragging her towards the exit while she kept protesting.

"I'm not going to bed with you!" Maria argued.

"Let her go," A girl said from behind Maria, her voice calm yet laced with a firm resolute.

That made Morgan halt in his steps. He turned to look at the person who'd spoken. She looked like she was in her twenties too. In Morgan's eyes Maria was the most beautiful woman, he never looked twice at another woman since he met Maria a year ago, but now...

Unlike Maria, the girl was dressed modestly and the only skin visible was that of her face, neck and from down her wrists to her fingers and her clothes weren't even tight enough to reveal the shape of her body, even so something flashed in his eyes. He didn't realise he was looking at her in a way that wasn't appropriate at all!

"Eeeh, that's right. Let me go." Maria's voice brought Morgan back to earth.

He ignored her and regarded the woman in front of him, this time; seriously and he didn't miss the look of disgust that she held. She'd obviously caught hold of how he was eyeing at her.

"And who are you to tell me what to do? What I do with my girlfriend concerns only me." He snorted coldly, tightening his grip on Maria's hand.

The girl briefly glanced at his grip on Maria's hand before looking at Morgan with a sneer on her lips.

"Who I'm doesn't concern you. However, you're wrong about one thing, what you do with your girlfriend doesn't concern you alone, but the girl in question too and she clearly doesn't want to go with you now." The mysterious girl said.

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