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Trevor's POV;

~ Miles Manor ~

"Only?" I asked.

Only now were Daniel's words starting to sink in.

What did he mean by only Cheryll was to be thanked for me to have recovered?

"Yes, only and before I proceed to tell you what all had happened, I want you to read this and say what you think of it." He took out his phone, opened his mail inbox and gave me the device.

"What's this?" I frowned.

"The contract that we were supposed to sign with the Roths. Mr. Roth had a copy sent to us beforehand on the day of the meeting so we could go through and mark any areas that need negotiation later." Daniel briefed.

I nodded and went through the points. Aside from some punctuation mistakes, I couldn't find any flaws with the points.

"It's a reasonable one, their punctuation needs working on, though." I snorted.

Daniel scowled at me as if asking if that was all that I'd found after going through the contract. I shook my head asking what happened.

"The meeting took place as scheduled 13 days ago, we got the deal." He stated.

"What!? How? Was Taylor over? Why did you let them know? You know mom would worry if she finds out I was this ill!" I yelled.

"Are you done?" Daniel asked with a straight face devoid of emotions. I sighed and nodded, I know I overreacted. "Forget about Taylor and your mother, not even a fly in our country knows about your illness. Only people do, 2 of which are I and Mrs. Miles." He said.

I wonder who the other 3 are? But kept the thought to myself, 'cause Daniel was getting annoyed with my jumping to conclusions attitude and I shouldn't annoy him now that I need answers.

"So who led the meeting then?" I cautiously asked.

"I'd have to start from the beginning of my day that day before I get there." He took in a deep breath before speaking. "So at around 5, 5.10 am Mrs. Miles called me, she asked me to come over and said that it's regarding the meeting you'd with the Roths that day. I assume you'd have let her know,"

"Yes," I answered and he continued with a nod.

"It sounded like her words were carefully chosen, so I got suspicious thinking that someone's trying to play foul and force you not to sign the contract, which isn't surprising at all. Though, I knew you'd handle it, I decided to walk into the manor with a hidded camera on my suit so we've evidence to back up later. But when I got here, you were being given an IV treatment with the mechanical breathing to keep you alive. I thought I should shut the camera down, but when Mrs. Miles told me it'd take you at least a week to recover, I thought to use the means to let you know what'd happened." He paused and asked for a laptop.

I gave him mine and watched him turn it on and connect a pen drive to it. He then set the laptop on the bed and shifted in his seat so we could both be comfortable as we watch the recording.

As he'd said the video began with him entering the manor and Cheryll taking him to see me. Then they got into discussing what to do about the meeting. As the camera was on his suit, I couldn't see Daniel's face, but his voice was all I needed to hear to say what his reaction would be. As the video played, I saw Cheryll's eyes suddenly shining bright and I knew she'd figured out what to be done.

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