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Trevor's POV;

~ Miles Manor ~

"Why do you want to become a doctor?" I asked Cheryll as we made our way upstairs.

"Being able to save the most precious thing that one owns is a blessing." She replied.

"Most precious thing one owns?" I frowned.

"Yes and that's life, being able to save a life is a blessing." She said and went into the bathroom.

That sounded oddly and vaguely familiar.

I shrugged off the feeling and went to put on something suitable for me to sleep in. I changed and lay on the bed awake, recalling what'd happened with Lara just now and I wasn't kidding when I said Cheryll can consider acting as career.

I was happy how things had turned out. That b*tch Lara dated Taylor a couple years ago, one day she saw Taylor in a suit and thought it was me as he never wore suits and ended up saying all the things to him that she'd planned to say to me.

Turned out she was about to ask me to make a move so that Taylor gives up on her for my sake. When she was calling Cheryll a gold digger, I wanted to retort saying that she was a gold digger for trying to cheat on Taylor with me, but Cheryll handled the situation even well, Lara was furious at the thought that she couldn't even lay a finger on me, when on the other hand, Cheryll was married to me.

The act on one side, but having Cheryll close to me felt nice. After having her in my embrace for the first time, I wanted it again, I wanted to take in that sweet scent of hers, the reason I took advantage of the situation with Lara and pinned Cheryll to the wall. It was torture not to touch her when she was that close to me and I swear I felt butterflies flutter in my stomach when she asked me to cup her face.

When we were pretending to kiss in front of Lara, I'd my eyes open as lara could only see the back of my head. I was observing Cheryll and her actions. She'd her eyes closed and pursed her lips as she rubbed them together to make them appear swollen for Lara to see and seeing Cheryll do that, I wanted to feel those lips for real. When I told her I was about to pull away, it was because I was scared I wouldn't be able to hold back if I watched her for another second.

And when she called me hubby dear and love, I felt like the happiest man alive, I felt like my purpose on earth has been fulfilled.

Too bad it'd all been an act.

I sighed and turned to a new position hoping to fall asleep. I shouldn't get that attached to her, or else it'd be me who suffers when we get a divorce later.

She came out of the bathroom and made her way to the couch, adjusting a pillow on one side and spreading a blanket. Yup, that's where she sleeps.

"You can take the bed if you want." I offered.

"Where'll you sleep then?" She turned to look at me.

"The couch, where else?"

"No thanks, I don't want to take care of your stiffened back later." She replied and went to lie on the couch.

What does that mean?

"Why'd you say that?" I scowled.

"I'm used to sleeping on the couch for years now, but you might hurt your back when you sleep here since you're not used to it." She pulled the blanket over her. "Sleep now and let me sleep too."

She thinks I'm that delicate? I might've born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but that doesn't mean I've lived a royal life!

I didn't say anything as she'd already fallen asleep. Seeing how soundly she was sleeping, it was clear that she was tired. I'd offered her a room, but she refused saying that she doesn't want to take any chances in case someone comes to visit at night. I didn't argue, though I didn't know who'd come to visit us at night.

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