Twenty Four

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Trevor's POV;

~ Miles Group ~

"No!" Cheryll bellowed in frustration.

"Why!?" I yelled.

"Are you seriously asking that question!?" She groaned. "Didn't we talk about not attending parties and if we do then we wouldn't eat, or drink?" She reminded.

Of course, I remember.

"But this is different!" I exclaimed. "We should go!"

"No, we shouldn't and that's exactly because it's different from parties hosted by people from prominent backgrounds!" She glared at me.

I swear chills ran down my spine at how she was staring at me, but I cannot make it obvious to her, can I? I've my pride too. I glared back at her and thumped my hands on the desk. Normally people would at least flinch at that if not jump in fear, but Cheryll stood unfazed before me. It amazed me, but I pushed my feelings for her aside for the moment and stood up from my seat.

"Give me one good reason!"

She sighed in annoyance.

She's here to pick me up from work and we got into an argument after I told her about the invite Morgan had sent me.

"It's our friend circle and if you don't eat, or drink while being among them, don't you think they'd suspect, or at the least, force you to get something down your throat? Why walk into the situation knowing the consequences?" She reasoned.

She's right, but not being there would also be suspicious, after all they were our friends. Well, Taylor's friends, not mine, but Maria is Cheryll's friend too!

A couple months and a half had passed since that incident at the west alley. I and Daniel's recovery was quick given our athletic nature. We were in luck that Cheryll's exams were over in two weeks time and she was able to do my work as I couldn't type on laptop with both my hands and using only one hand made it difficult to complete work on time.

During the months we took to recuperate, Maria and Morgan planned and shopped for their wedding. Now after months, they're throwing a bachelorette party as they'd planned the wedding at the end of this month which was only a week away and Cheryll's concerned about my safety after what happened at her birthday party.

"We're going and that's final!" I raised my voice.

I was adamant because I was frustrated with myself for not being cautious back then and now I wanted to prove to her that I was more than capable and wouldn't allow anything to go wrong this time around.

I'd take care of myself and protect her too.

"Don't act stupid, Trevor!"

"I'm not! I know what I'm doing and I say we go." I retorted.

"I don't want us to!" She argued.

"I don't care! I want to, so you've to go too even if you don't want to, 'cause that's part of our deal!" I yelled again.

Her face fell at the words. A variety of emotions displayed on her face, it went from being angry to shocked to realisation and finally settled on understanding of the reality as my words sunk in.

Her eyes were slowly turning red, I could say she was trying hard not to cry and to blink back the tears. I didn't understand why she fell silent all of a sudden and acted this way, until she spoke.

"Thanks for the reminder." She walked out of my office.

"Sh*t!" I slapped my forehead.

My words reminded her of the betrayal she suffered and the deal we made to keep pretending as husband and wife till we're divorced. I've never brought that subject up till today, I shouldn't have even now. If not our relationship as a couple, I should've at least respected our friendship.

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