Bonus Chapter

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Vincent's POV;

~ Hotel Royal Palace ~

"Vinci! Stop fretting!" Cheryll scolded me.

Fretting? Me? I'd ask that, but that won't be true. I was fretting.

It was the wedding day, my wedding day and I was overly self conscious today. Trevor and Cheryll were helping me with my looks as I wasn't sure how it'd turned out.

"She's right, man. Stop fretting." Trevor patted my shoulder.

"Knock some sense into his head, I'll go check with Maria." Cheryll said and gave Trevor a look as if reminding him of something. He nodded then she left the room.

"What's that?" I asked Trevor.


"What does that look she gave you mean?"

"Nothing, you should get ready fast." He replied and I was back to fretting again.

When I was finally done, Trevor said to sit and relax before we head down to the banquet hall. After 10 minutes, I gathered the courage to go down and wait for my bride.

"Vincent! Oh dear, it's been so long." The voice of a middle aged woman whom I recognise very well called out.

Looking into her eyes, I felt all my nervousness vanish and the smile that broke out on my face was priceless.

"Mom, dad!" I ran to them with my arms wide open.

It's nearly been 6 months since I last visited them; that's on the winter holidays. My daily shifts at the hospital and checking with the patients under my care made it difficult for me to travel to another city every weekend like I used to when I was only a student. After graduation, things changed and my parents ever so sweet, understand the nature of my job.

Trevor excused himself so I can have a family time. Mom was happy to hear I was getting married, though she hadn't met Maria till now. Dad was sceptical about Maria initially, but with a little talk, I and mom managed to convince him.

"Where's the girl?" Dad asked.

"She'll be here soon." I replied.

Just then Cheryll and Fiona strolled behind Maria as she emerged from around the corner. I was supposed to walk her down the aisle, so I extended my hand towards her. She looked at the two unfamiliar figures beside me.

"Mr and Mrs. Chadwell!" Cheryll greeted my parents.

They're familiar with Cheryll as we'd become friends 2 years ago. They shared a brief hug then my parents turned to Maria. She was nervous now that she knew who they were.

"She's beautiful, Vincent." Mom smiled warmly at Maria.

Dad still maintained his tough exterior. Mom rolled her eyes and elbowed him on the ribs. He glared at his wife briefly before setting his eyes back on Maria.

His eyes are terrifying to look at when you first meet him, but once you get to know him, then he's a person you'd want to meet often.

"She's quite the thief." He uttered.


"Richard!" Mom too yelled at him.

"What? Didn't she steal your heart, Vincent?" He asked, then smiled. "Now she stole mine too, Stella."

Maria sighed in relief, Cheryll's wide eyes shut momentarily as relief washed over her too. Dad stood before Maria and kissed her forehead, a fatherly gesture to welcome her into the family.

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