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Trevor's POV;

~ Hotel Royal Palace ~

"Mr. Miles, the man is likely to be here in 10 more minutes." Daniel said from the other end of the line.

"I'll be there in 5, Daniel." I said and hung up, not waiting for his response.

I was more focused on what was happening in front of me. I was at the hotel to finalise a deal with the jewellery designer in a private lounge, but now I was standing amidst the crowd in the banquet hall of the hotel, watching Cheryll, Maria and Fiona.

It was the day of her exhibition, she'd worked very hard for this. I'd just walked in before the announcing of the first three prizes and stood here hoping to hear Cheryll's name too, but she didn't make it. I saw Fiona and Maria walking towards Cheryll, probably to console her, so I also quietly followed behind making sure not to attract attention.

I heard when Fiona tried to cheer Cheryll up, but was surprised to see Cheryll smiling at the girls and telling them that it was fine if she didn't make it to the top three. She even offered to take the girls somewhere out to thank them for helping her with her model.

I was about to leave when I was sure she was fine, but the announcer just said that they're not done with the prize distribution, so I changed my mind as I wanted to see her on that stage receiving something from the judges even if it was just a participation reward.

"Apart from the 3 prizes, there's a special prize too and that'd be given to the model which we found beyond amazing." One of the 4 judges on the stage spoke into the mic. "This special prize winner will be receiving a cheque amounted to five million." He handed the mic to the one beside him.

The crowd held their breaths. That's a lot of money, who wouldn't be thrilled!? Till now all thought that it's the participation reward that the judges were talking about, but this turned out to be something more than that.

"And this special prize goes to..." I looked at Cheryll, she was unfazed; not bothered whether if she'd be receiving it, or not while Maria and Fiona were a bundle of nerves. I smiled. Cheryll is never about money. "... This goes to Ms. Cheryll from the City General Hospital and Medical College!"


I felt genuinely happy for her, but her reaction wasn't what I expected it to be. While Maria and Fiona were practically jumping up and down with joy, Cheryll hadn't expected this, so was standing with her jaw dropped to the floor; she still didn't believe that it was her name that'd been called out.

"Rylls, go up!" Fiona shook Cheryll.

"She won't budge!" Maria said and the girls dragged Cheryll to the stage.

Only then did Cheryll snap out of her shock. I watched as she gracefully went and stood beside the 4 men. Her composure was calm, the aura she emanated at the moment was that of a benignant queen, or maybe it seemed to me like that.

The cheque was handed to her and she thanked the judges, then she was asked to say about why she chose this idea for her project.

"As it's believed, necessity is the mother of invention. This idea of mine was also the result of a need. It's said that behind every achievement there's a story, I've one too and that pushed me to where I'm today." Cheryll began. "I've had a beloved one diagnosed with PTSD, back then with me being just sixteen and not even having graduated from high school didn't help much with the situation and the person ended up developing alzheimer's very soon. After getting into this field and with all that I studied, I very soon had an idea of how things worked. Even though I'm yet to finish my bachelor's, I eventually developed the theory which I now explained with my model." She paused briefly before continuing. "I'd no longer hear the one who's very dear to me, but could make sure someone else doesn't go through the same pain again."

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