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Trevor's POV;

~ Miles Group ~

"What the hell is this!?" I banged the files I was holding on the desk. "After three month's work all you managed to collect is this!? This is nothing, but trash and at this rate we'd never be able to secure the deal with the Roths. Redo the whole thing within a month!"

The hall fell silent and all the managers from various departments under Miles Group began stealing panicked glances at each other. I'd a good idea of what's going on in their minds, but since none of them were voicing it out, I chose not to address the issue either. Not that I was going to go easy on them if they spoke, anyway.

I stood up from my seat at the head of the table and made my way to the door of the conference hall with my secretary following close. Just when my hand clasped the knob, finally someone had mustered up the courage to speak.

"Mr. Miles, it took us 3 months to prepare this report, it's impossible to prepare a new one in a month's period of time!" A curt female voice spoke.

I recognise that voice. It was Ms. Lindy Welsh from the administrative department.

Huh, so many men are present here, yet they chose a woman to speak up for them?

I turned to look at her with an icy glare. She shuddered momentarily, but what she did in the next moment angered me immensely.

She puffed her chest out and slightly pulled down the shirt she was wearing so that the swell of her breasts were now visible.

The guts of this woman to seduce me!

"No more than one month will be given to complete the task, if any of you find any problem with that, then I'd be kind enough to type out your termination notices myself. As for you Ms. Welsh," I glared at her, but she took pride in the fact that I remembered her name. Pathetic! "I don't need s*xpots in my company!" I gave a knowing look to our MD and walked out of the hall when he nodded in understanding.

"Mr. Miles!" Her voice gradually died down as I walked away from the hall and into the presidential lift.

The lift stopped on the top most floor of the 55 storey building, where my office is located. I entered in and plopped myself on the swivel chair behind the desk. I leaned back on the chair and rubbed my temples to ease the headache.

Roth Group of Industries is a renowned one in Germany. Like our Miles Group, they're also into almost every sector starting from textiles to jewellery. The difference between us is that we deal with end products while they solely generate raw materials.

It's not like we'd suffer losses if we don't grab the deal, but if we do manage to secure a deal with them, then our profit will be twice compared to what we gain now as our raw materials will all be supplied directly from them without the involvement of any middle agents! That'd cut the extra expenses we spend on buying and importing the materials.

Yet these people appointed as managers in our departments dare to be lethargic!

I sighed and turned on my laptop. Before I could focus, the door to my office swung open. There's only one person who'd enter into my personal space like this and I'd no problem with it. Naturally, a smile crept up my lips as I fixed my gaze on the person walking in towards me.

That familiar crop of hazel coloured hair and a pair of eyes of the same colour with hues of amber in them. That perfect handsome face and physique, tall and slender appearance. It's like looking at my own self!

"Now there's that smile I wanted to see after a hectic morning." That made me smile even more.

"Of course, I'd smile like that on seeing you! Come here," I opened my arms, wanting a hug myself.

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