Twenty Seven

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Cheryll's POV;

~ Miles Manor ~

'The boy' you saved.

'The girl' who saved me.

You see we people, high in status and all, think of repaying everything and everyone with money... So I'm sorry if me showing gratitude for saving me had unknowingly hurt you.

You of all could never be a gold digger, thank you for coming to my aid at the right time. Besides thanks, I'd aslo like to apologise for my actions while you were performing CPR on me, hope you'd find it in your heart to forgive me.

I'm sending a small token of gratitude with this letter, please don't deny.

And... To each other, we shall always remain as I addressed in the beginning, unless you wish to know my identity.

- The boy you saved.'"

Trevor quoted.

Those lines were exactly what was written in the letter that Dr. Walter had given me along with the pen I consider lucky which was a gift of gratitude for saving a life.

I couldn't believe it was Trevor. At that time his face was covered in thick blood and I couldn't see it properly. I'd left the hospital to pack for my trip to India so I couldn't see him after his face was wiped clean either.

"You knew from the start it was me?" I asked.

Because he'd grinned when he realised I was asking about how he survived the accident on remembering the feeling from that night after he'd misunderstood the act of aid for that of intimacy.

True that our intimate moment just now reminded me of our first encounter as I'd not forgotten that feeling till date.

Now that I know it was him, it also made sense why it felt familiar when I took him to the taxi station after learning he was poisoned. It was in a similar way that I'd supported his form while bringing him out of the water 3 years ago.

"Not until Fiona called you for the first time after our marriage, I overheard your conversation and knew it was you... The girl who saved me." He admitted.

"So... You hurt yourself that day because of that?" I asked.

I remember how badly his knuckles were bruised and how broken he appeared when I entered the room. That was the first time I saw him sobbing.

To think I'd something to do with that...

"Mm...I was ashamed of myself." He sighed, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Is it also the reason you sought my forgiveness?" I asked even though I dreaded his answer.

I'd thought he wanted to seek my forgiveness because he realised his mistake, but him feeling guilty and taking pity on me wasn't what I needed.

"No, not at all. It was because I realised I was wrong," I sighed in relief. "I resolved to seek your forgiveness from the second day of our marriage. I realised my mistake and that no human, whether if I know them, or not should be treated the way I treated you." He added.

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