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Things I want to make clear-
-I've no idea how to write King, Queen romance (historical romance? or whatever it's called)
-All the incidents takes place in Korea but they wear hanbok 200 years back but in my fictional world it isn't like that and I made the girl wear the gown.
-Ik just like other countries women in Korea also has not given the same importance like men but I wanted the character 'Elenor' be strong. I've no idea about parliaments and all but I've added them.
-I've written it all in one go if you didn't feel like something is right do comment and let me know, I might not have knowledge about it but I'll try to gain and correct it.


202 years ago-

Click, Clack, Click - Clack

A girl in her mid twenties was walking on the eerie lanes of her village. The lanes which were never taken by any human in their right mind. There was a myth that those paths had some magical creatures living there.

But the princess of the village doesn't care coz she had suffered enough.

Enough of her sufferings, if any creature exists she is totally alright with that, they can kill her however they want, she has lost the patience, lost the will to live.

Being the princess of the village still facing these consequences where none of the prince finds her attractive or beautiful.

She has always gotten the crown of being the most beautiful in a room full of beautiful girls still.. still none of the Prince is ready to accept her as his bride.

The white gown that was flowing on her body perfectly till the ground making her feet hide in it, her one hand had bouquet of roses and the other was rolled into a fist due to the anger and sadness and all the several emotions she was feeling still she was moving forward not caring about the paths not caring about herself.

She just want to let it be, let her be there, she wants to have peace for a while.

Suddenly she felt a swoosh of wind around her but she was so sad to even notice it.

She felt it again and this time she stopped walking and looked up to find a young handsome man might be in his 20s standing infront of her with a smirk plastered on his face.

She found him really, really attractive with his gentleman attire but she knew men are men and he will also broke her, she rolled her eyes, ignored his presence and started moving forward.

The man couldn't take it and started following her. She felt his presence but ignored.

"You know the lands you're walking is mine"

She paused in her way and turned around.

"And you know you're trying to have a conversation with a princess"

"Ummm.. the Royal blood? ...That's why it smells like heaven"

"Yeah, have it"

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