ch. thirty-one

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wooyoung put on his sneakers and bid goodbye to his mama and papa who were at home. today he promised to meet his childhood friend, mirae.

because today he has some free time, he will go hangout with mirae and buy her chocolates that he promised.

he walked to the nearby bus station and took the bus that had arrived by the time he arrived. after he tapped the bus card, he sat next to the window.

when the bus stopped at his station, he got up and got off the bus. he walked to the cafe that she promised to meet. after arriving he waved at the girl who had arrived  and trotted to the counter to order an iced hazelnut latte.

he took the buzzer and moved to the table after placing the order. "girl, you're early."

mirae sipped her chocolate latte. "of course i'm early, i didn't pay for all of  this." she pointed to the table where the strawberry pudding and a slice of chocolate cake were beside her chocolate latte.

wooyoung tsked and got up when the buzzer sounded to take his order at the counter and he continued to pay with the girl's order.

"so what's up? i haven't heard about you on instagram for a while? you know we don't go to the same school." she whined and pouted at wooyoung.

wooyoung hummed and sipped his iced hazelnut latte. "i know. lately i  rarely open social media because my school hosted inter-school sport day last week. i'm packed with trainings."

the girl looked at her friend worriedly. "have you rested?"

wooyoung nodded his head with a wolfish grin. "don't worry about me. i go to bed early every night because of someone."

hearing the word 'someone' made mirae smile. she had a hint as to who his friend was referring to. "is he this choimountain on instagram?"

when wooyoung's face turned red, mirae chuckled. "i'm taking that as a yes. so what's the story with you two? have you met him yet?"

"yes oh my god, i've met him. oh my god mirae, he's amazing. so caring. looks intimidating but he's very soft with me. his vibe is comfortable to adjust." wooyoung started babbling about san to the girl.

"tell me about it. from top to bottom. i missed out a lot." with those words, wooyoung started to tell her everything.

"okay how i met him is very random. i'm bored and seonghwa hyung gave me a suggestion to prank text someone but randomly type any number and i met him there. pretty much i'm asking for his nude but he doesn't give me anything! don't make that face! oh and he sounds so rude at first."

"so i texted him once, about the prank, told all my friends and found out that he is friends with mingi, yunho's boyfriend, yea i know 'what a small world' i agree. and then he texted me and asked 'if this was a one-time prank' because after i pranked him i told him that i'll talk to him later."

"and then i checked his instagram after my friend gave him his instagram handle and oh my fucking god, he is so attractive! like how?! i think god has a favorite because he is so handsome, like what the heck?!"

again wooyoung started talking about his interactions with san and how san called him many nicknames and called him adorable in text. mirae sipped her drink in amusement as he continued to babble to her.

"i had texts with him for a few days and found out that he was from atiny sport school and is a basketball team leader. he admitted that he has my instagram and stalk me. he says i'm beautiful. i'm melted and blushed so fucking much that day."

wooyoung then told the story about how he met san at his school because he also joined the sports held at his school and how they started talking.

when wooyoung entered the story where his friend and san's friend, which is their friends now, went to the amusement park, haunted house and ferris wheel, he blushed. he also told her how seonghwa tried to help him figure out his feelings for san.

mirae ooh-eh and looked at wooyoung with an interested look.

on sports day, wooyoung talked about how he gave san a kiss on the cheek several times and how san also gave him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you for wooyoung's words of encouragements before the competition started.

mirae gasped when she heard wooyoung initiate cheek kisses first but didn't open her mouth to butt in because he was still talking.

"i'll be honest, i felt really sad when we sent them on the bus to go back to their school. we hugged a lot that day. he told me that he'll miss me and we promise to keep in touch either through text or call."

"that night san called me when i about to start my mission to study overnight. he started nagging at me not to overwork myself. then he told me to sit under the blanket and he lulled me to sleep! when i woke up and checked the time we called, it's over three hour! i could tell that he lulled me for about half an hour until i fell asleep."

"i have a record of the call but i didn't check it because i was still busy with school."

wooyoung ends the story with how yunho and he plan a hangouts calendar where they have a date that they all have to follow every month to spend time together like regular hangouts at lunches or dinner outside, sleepovers at yunho's and movie nights at wooyoung's.

mirae blinked her eyes. "wow... it's like a love story... wait a minute, i need some time to process all of this... hang on."

"you make me feel so damn single when you tell me about the amusement park." she scoffed. "i'm not gonna lie, what seonghwa said was true. you like him."

wooyoung hummed and sipped his iced hazelnut latte out of thirst, letting mirae the talks that she's thinking as he talked nonstop about san earlier.

"you liked him from the beginning before you went to the amusement. you really didn't notice it? you acted like his fangirl and were embarrassed when he talked to you first in the cafeteria."

"you also make things that are not like you. like, how do you give him words of encouragement to him, that is so not you. you've never been good at making words like that. no offense by the way."

wooyoung hummed, "none taken."

"and how you say the way he behaves makes your heart flutter, you blush, even more so when he holds your hand or hugs you. you have fallen in love, you fall hard. what are you so afraid to confess?"

before wooyoung could open his mouth, mirae intercepted, "it is as clear as water that he also likes you through his behavior." she pursed her lips. "you told me earlier that mingi said san was not a flirt at school with anyone, right?"

wooyoung silently nodded his head and processed mirae's words.

mirae clapped her hands excitedly. "that is it! you like him, he likes you. you both like each other." she grinned like she win a lottery. "fucking confess, you cowards!"

"i will! i will! but have to plan first, i don't want to fail in front of him. it's really embarrassing if i failed in front of him. he will reject me."

"no, he won't." she confidently said.

"how can you be so sure?"

"because why does he want to reject you because of a simple mistake you made? if he really likes you, he won't reject you just because of this small thing. heck! he'll probably say that you are adorable and even smiled at you." mirae concluded and rolled her eyes.

wooyoung looked at his lap and smiled a little. "that does sound like him."

mirae chuckled and raised her hands in the air as if to say 'see? i told you, you coward'.

wooyoung nodded his head in determination.

i will confess to him.

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