The day before the game.

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"Natalie time to get up for school!" My mom shouts. "I'm awake!" It's a warm day so I'm gonna wear a Nike hoodie, dark blue shirt, jean shorts, and my Nike sneakers. I have soccer practice right after school because I have a game tomorrow. I grabbed my soccer clothes and put in my backpack and walked downstairs to the kitchen where my mom was making breakfast for me, Nidal, and Jiji. After we all finished breakfast, Neshawn had to drive us to school because mom had to go to work. We all got into neshawns car. Jiji in the passenger seat, and me and Nidal in the back. It was about a 10 minute drive from our house to the school. Once we arrived to school, we told Neshawn bye and walked off to our own lockers. None of our lockers are beside each other because I'm in 7th grade, Nidals in 8th, and Jiji is in 9th. Once I got to my locker, I put my backpack away and put my phone in my pocket with my left AirPod in my ear. I walked to my English/writing class and walked to my seat. I put my stuff down and talked to my friends until class started. Class was very boring and we learned like nothing. Next was science. One word to describe science. Boring. But next was lunch and I sat by my friends. Of course me and Nidal have the same lunch time so he came over to me just to annoy me. Finally he went back to his friends. After lunch was advisory. Boring. Then math. Also boring. Next study hall, ELO, then gym. We just played volleyball in gym but after gym I went down to our locker room and got changed to my soccer stuff. After I changed I went outside to the feild and we had a 2 hr long practice. Once practice was over I walked out to my mom's car and hopped in the front. "How was school?" "Boring."

Finally we pulled into the driveway, I got out of my mom's car and walked into the house. I took my cleats off and put them on the shoe rack and walked upstairs to my room. I put my backpack down on the floor and went to go take a shower. By the time I got out of the shower it was 6:30 and I was really tired. I took a nap and woke up to Jiji opening my door at 7:15 that I had to go downstairs and eat dinner. I got downstairs and went to the kitchen where Neshawn , Nidal, and Jiji were sitting, eating their dinner. I went over and got some chicken and sat down at the dinner table. Everyone else was talking and I just zoned out. I was so worried about our game tomorrow I just zoned out thinking about it. It's our first spring game and I don't know why I'm so nervous, probably because it's our rival team. I snapped out of it when I heard Nidal saying "yo nat you good?"
I just responded saying "yea, just tired. I'm gonna go to bed. night." "night nat!" I walked up the stairs to my room and flopped down on my bed. I just layed there and eventually fell asleep.

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