Physical therapy/ doctors

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I woke up the next morning at about 9:00. Nidal was still sleeping so I quietly got out of bed and grabbed my crutches. I went out to the kitchen and had a piece of toast. I knew I had a doctors appt at noon and PT at 3:00. also nidal has an appointment for his head and leg at 1:30. After I ate I went to my room and picked out clothes. I put on a pair of black Nike shorts, gray nike shirt, and dark blue Nike hoodie. I put my hair into two small Dutch braids into a ponytail and grabbed my crutches and went downstairs. By the time I finished getting ready, it was 9:45. I went into the living room and nidal was still asleep. I thought I would let him sleep for a while longer. I sat on the couch and watch TikTok for a while. not long later, Neshawn came out of his room. "nidal still sleeping?" "yep. also Neshawn I need to tell you something." "yea what's up?" he said as he sat down beside me. "yesterday I was scrolling through discord and saw a chat that said I with nidal didn't make it." "holy crap" "yea, please don't tell nidal." "I won't. I should probably wake him up though." he stood and went over to nidal. "nidalllll wake upppp." nidal woke up and said "what time is it?" "9:50" "oh, I need to go change and go to the bathroom." "okayyyy" Neshawn said as he picked nidal up and took him to the bathroom. I went onto my Snapchat and went to text Salish. "nidal is getting his cast off today." she responded " okay me and my dad are flying there on Friday to be there Saturday!" I shut off my phone and neshawn and nidal came out of the bathroom. He put nidal down beside me and nidal asked me "can you grab me my phone?" I stood up and limped over to our bed and grabbed his phone and handed it to him. I sat back down and watched TikTok for a bit then Salish texted me again. Nidal looked over and asked "who was that from?" "friend from school" I turned my phone away from him and read the text. "what's nidal doing right now?" "sitting beside me watching TikTok" "okay I'm gonna call him" "alr go for it" I went back to watching TikTok and a minute later Salish called nidal. he answered it. "NIDALLL!" "SALISHHH!" "how r u?" "better if I wasn't in a wheelchair" "oh yea... when do you get your cast on?" Me and her know dam well we know when he gets it on. "today hopefully, and I get staples out today." They talked for a while and finally hung up. It was like 11:30 by the time they hung up. The door opened and it was mom. "you two both dressed?" "yep" "okay I'm gonna go see if juju is dressed because he if coming with us." mom went to jujus room. He was ready and the doctors office is 20 minutes away so we got our stuff and went to the car.

We got to the doctors/ physical therapy area and me, juju and mom got out of the car. juju got nidals wheelchair out of the back and got nidal into it. We walked to the physical therapy part of the doctors and went into the waiting room. Nidal and Jiji decided to take a walk. Me and mom waited for a bit then someone came out. "Natalie?" I stood up and grabbed my crutches and followed the lady back. Mom waited in the waiting room for when I got done. We walked back and sat down in a room with a whole bunch of things to do physical activities on. She asked questions then I started physical therapy. I can barely/ slightly bend my knee now. It was 1:00 and we finished. also the lady gave me crutch covers so it's a big more comfortable, but we walked back out into the waiting room and juju,nidal, and mom were all waiting. Mom and juju stood up and the lady told my mom that I can barely bend my knee.
We walked out of that part of the doctors office and went to the outpatient part. Nidal had his appointment there and I had my next one there too. We got into the office and mom and nidal got signed in. Me and juju went over to the waiting room. We decided that we were all gonna go back bc I didn't wanna wait. We went back with a doctor and after a bit, nidal got a cast on. The appointment was over so we went to my appointment. After mine we got into the car and went home.

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