The live.

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We got onto the live and just started talking, after a bit, there were 800 people on the live. We talked for a bit then Ella came into my room. She joined in on the live for a bit then we ended the live. I walked out of my room to see if they were done on the news and they weren't. Luckily, you won't be able to see me on the video so I went downstairs and got some lime chips. I snuck back up the stairs and went to my room. I sat down at my computer and played fn. after about an hour there was a knock on my door. "come in!" my mom came in and said " the news left, you can come downstairs whenever you want. Neshawn went to go get food. Oh and you have physical therapy tomorrow for your knee." "alr" she walked out of my room and shut the door. As soon as the left, I leaned back into my chair, pissed. I don't wanna go to fricken PT. anyways I went onto discord to check out nidals discord channel to see what people are saying. "nidal are you okay?" and "get better soon!" bit there was one chat that stuck out to me. "I wish nidal didn't make it." You're kidding me. that is so rude. Like who would wish that upon somebody?!?! That's F'ed up. after I saw that comment, I shut my computer off, turned my led light off, I grabbed my crutches and walked out of my room. well- crutched out of my room.   I went down the 4 stairs we have, and went to the kitchen. there was Chick-fa-la sitting on the counter and Jiji and nidal were eating. I grabbed some food and sat down beside nidal. I decided to not tell him about the discord chat and to let it go. I might tell neshawn tho... anyways I finished eating and went out to the living room. Mom left to go to the store or something, juju was somewhere with Ella, and Neshawn was in his room. Oh and Jiji went up to her room, so I was the only one out there at the moment. I sat down and realized, "oh shit, nidal might need help." so I stood back up and walked into the kitchen to nidal just now finishing eating. "you done?" "yea, can you throw my stuff away?" I picked up his trash and threw it away. "also can you wheel me out into the living room?" "yea but I'll have to get Neshawn to help you Into bed." "okay" I pushed nidal out to the living room. "I'll be right back." I limped my way over to neshawns room and knocked. "come in" I opened the door. "oh hey Nat what's up?" "can you help nidal into bed?" "yea I'm coming." I went back out to the living room with Neshawn following me. he went over to nidal and picked him up and set him onto the bed. Neshawn asked "anything else?" "nothing for now." then he walked back to his room. Nidal asked me "can you hand me my phone?" I grabbed his phone and gave it to him. I shut off the lights, and we talked for a bit, then, we both fell asleep.

More and more uploads of parts coming soon!

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