March 5th, 2024.

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it's been about a week since my birthday. it's Wednesday and I was in bed. "yo nat get up" "alr fine." after nidal told me to get up and he went to the kitchen, I fell back asleep. Nidal came back in and threw shoes at me. "Get up you have to get onto your class call" "how long until 8?" "10 minutes." "WHATT!" "Yep." I hurried into the bathroom, brushed my hair and teeth, and put on a Nike sweatshirt. I got out my computer, sat on my bed and got ready to start class. I connected my AirPods to my computer and logged onto the zoom. I had a different schedule than I did before I went online. I have math, science, history, lunch, ELA, ELO, then online gym. I did my first 3 classes. Nidal for some reason starts lunch 10 minutes before I do so everyday he comes behind me and waves to my class because for some reason everyone in that class has a huge crush on him. idk why though. personally I think he's pretty ugly. But my history class ended and I started making lunch. nidal asked me "do you wanna go with me to target after school on our electric scooters?" "nah my knee hurts like shii" "alr suit yourself." after 15 minutes Nidal went back up to his room to get on to his next call. My ELA teacher isn't here today so we just did an easy assignment. I had a lot of time to kill after that so I went to the living room to see who was awake. neshawn and juju were both playing Fortnite on the PS5. I went out and layed on my bed and took a nap. I woke up 5 minutes before my next class and got on to it. I finished the day at about 2:00. I went in the bathroom and changed to a pair of black Nike sweatpants and put my hair in loose dutch braids. By the time I did all of that It was about 2:40. nidal was getting to go to target for i don't know what. he put his helmet on the couch and he left forgetting his helmet. after about 10 minutes I decided to go on a walk. I was by and intersection and was about to turn back around to walk back home then heard a crash. I was still looking at the road when it happened and realized "oh crap, that's nidal!" I hurried over to him and sat by him. I called 911 then mom, then neshawn, then juju. I was sitting on the ground by nidal holding his hand telling him he was going to be okay and to stay with me. I told him help was on the way, then Juju arrived 5 minutes after I called him. First ella ran out to the ran beside me to nidal. Then an ambulance came and me Ella and juju both walked away. I was crying so hard that I couldn't breathe. Is my brother going to be okay? Is he dead? Is he dying?

Once they got him loaded into the ambulance, mom arrived. Mom told neshawn to go pick up jiji from school. I was still crying really badly once my mom got there. I crutches as fast as I could to my mom's car and got in the back. My mom was trying to go as fast as possible to get there quick. I was trying to talk to her through tears "I-i s-s-s-aw the w-w-hole thing" " you saw it? tell me about it once we get there." we got there in 5 minutes and I crutched into the hospital as fast as I could. Mom went over to the front desk and they said they would get a doctor to find out what was going on as fast as possible. We went over to sit in a waiting area. Ella and juju showed up, then neshawn and jiji. Jiji came and sat by me , neshawn stood against the wall, Ella sat beside jiji, and juju was walking back and forth. After about 10 minutes a doctor came out.

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