salish what are you doing here? Pt 1

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(time skip to Friday)
Today we don't have school because it's a teacher in service day. Salish texted me and said "I'm flying out tonight at 10:30 so I'll be there at about 10 tomorrow morning. I'm staying in a hotel once we get there." "okay cya tmr!" I was so excited for Salish and Jordan to come and finish nidals room so I can finally sleep in my own room. It was about 8:50 in the morning and I was in jijis room hanging out with her. We made TikTok's and had fun then someone knocked on the door. it was Neshan. "so how are we gonna distract nidal from his room?" I told him "idk" him and jiji talked about it for a bit and I just sat there and looked on my instagram. They finally figured something out then Neshan left to go live in his room. After a bit I went to my room to get dressed. I just put on a pair of shorts and a t shirt and curled my hair so it will be somewhat curled in the morning. After I did it I put my hair in a low messy bun. My crutches were still downstairs so I made sure my knee brace wasn't locked and somewhat limped down the stairs. I got downstairs and went into the living room. nidal was on my crutches but not like I care 🤷🏻‍♀️. He's my height so he didn't have to adjust them thankfully. Mom tells him he has to stay in his wheelchair but she's at work and nobody that is home is gonna stop him so who cares? as long as he doesn't fall. I'm pretty sure he just woke up. "when did you get up?" "like 20 minutes ago" "oh. well Neshan is going live at 1:00 so ima go in there and be on the live for a bit." "yea I'm coming too." nidal was still using my crutches so I limped up the stairs. "you sure you don't need these?" meaning the crutches. "yea I'm good" "whatever you say" we arrived outside of neshawns room and walked in. I made nidal first because if he was changing... well I think you know why. He looked back at me and nodded his head meaning "come on". I walked in behind him to see neshawn setting up his live. we sat down and Neshan asked us "joining the live?" "yep." Nidal sat down on a gaming chair and I just sat on another chair. Another friend of neshan came (I think it was nadar) and sat on the other chair. Neshan posted on his instagram story about the live and went live. Everyone was all over nidal. i was just sitting there on Snapchat texting Salish. "when you flying out?" "In about 3 hours! I'm so excited to see you Jiji and nidal!!" "I'm excited to see you too. Fly safe!!" "Will do!" Nidal was trying to talk to be but I was to busy texting. He turned my phone off and said "you need to lock your brace thing" "oh crap." It wouldn't lock so I whispered to nidal "dude it won't lock" "let me try" he's seen my do it so many times he knows how to do it by now. He leaned over to where you lock it and locked it for me. every time I lock it again it always has pain for 10-20 minutes, I don't know why, but this pain was a really bad one. Like really really bad. I made a face and nidal saw me. he whispered "you good?" "yea, I'll brb." I grabbed my crutches and went to the kitchen. mom was home and in the kitchen. "mom my knee hurts really really bad." "I can give you pain medicine and an icepack?" "yea sure." she gave me Tylenol and an ice pack that the doctor gave me that wraps around me knee and to only use when a lot of pain. I took of the current brace, pun on the ice pack, and put the other one back over it. "oh also Jordan and Salish are flying out in 3 hours." "okay!" I grabbed my crutches and went back to Neshans room. I walked in and Neshan asked "where'd you go?" "kitchen" in pretty sure he realized what I went out there for. nidal switched me chairs so I had the comfy one. I sat down and set my crutches down onto the floor and just played on my phone. about an hour passed by and I heard jujus voice outside of neshans room. Apparently juju made nidal a new whip. But they all came back into the room and just talked. I haven't talked all stream so Neshan looked over at me and walked over to me. he whispered in my ear "are you okay, you've been silent all stream." "yea it's just me knee hurts super bad" he went back over and sat down. after about 10 minutes, I stood up,grabbed my crutches and said "I'm going to bed" Neshan replied "okay good night I love you Nat!" "ilyt" I walked out of Neshan's room and went to bed at 8:30.

(The next morning)
I woke up to a message from Salish saying that they are coming in 2 hours. I looked over at nidal to see he was still sleeping. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen. it was like 7:30 so like nobody was awake except my mom. My dad was out buying paint for nidals room. My mom was in the kitchen and when I walked out into the kitchen, she saw me. "well you're up early" "I fell asleep at 8:30 last night. oh also Salish is coming in 2 hours." "okay" I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs into my bathroom. I took a shower and washed my face. I don't do crazy makeup or anything I just curl my eyelashes and put on clear mascara because my lashes are pretty long. I was cleaning/ putting my stuff away then Jiji came into the bathroom. (we have a combined bathroom) I quickly snuck through my door so she didn't see me and went downstairs. It was 9:30 by the time I was ready to do everything. My hair was still pretty wet so I was gonna let it dry a bit then Dutch braid it. I went out to the living room to see nidal just now waking up. He saw me and asked "what time is it?" "9:30" "oh."

(Time skip)
2 hours later...

Nidal was filming something about his accident (idk where he was planning on posting it) but I was sitting on our- well my bed waiting until Salish got here. The door opened and... "Salish! What are you doing here?"

This is only part 1 of this chapter! New part hopefully coming soon!

Also gonna start adding other peoples POV in the story!

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