Wakey wakey, nidal.

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"He's waking up." Like we agreed earlier, to not overwhelm him, mom and dad, 10 mins later me jiji and neshawn, then Ella and juju. Mom and dad followed to doctor. when we were waiting to go, we got all the stuff gathered up and put them into a bag. 10 minutes passed, and me neshawn and jiji started walking up. we arrived to the room and walked in. I went over to Nidal as soon as I saw him. I gave him a hug even though he couldn't hug back. I asked him "Nidal did you know you were in a coma for 4 days?" "what?" "yea you were hit by a car!" "you guys are lying to me." jiji answered "no we aren't." he said "no I'm pregnant" "no your not nidal." "yes I am" "whatever you wanna think" then juju and Ella came in. they talked to Nidal for a bit until he said "I'm gonna fall asleep" and he fell asleep. We all just hung out in his room. The doctor came in and took his neck brace off and some other things. He woke up the next day and was so much better than he was yesterday. Jiji had to go back to school because she missed to many days already so she was at school. Ella and juju left sometime last night and my dad and neshawn went to go get food. I had to go to the bathroom so I walked out of nidals room. On my where there, a fan recognized me. "Natalie! can I get a pic with you?" "yea sure!" we took a pic and I continued to the bathroom. I went to the stall and sat my crutches up against the wall. I walked out of the stall and washed my hands. I walked back to nidals room, without knowing people were taking pictures of me, and putting the location of the hospital we were at. I got back to the room and got on my phone. Soon, neshawn and dad got back into the room and looked like they just ran through a crowd of people. Probably because they did. "Holy shit there's like 100 fan girls out there!" neshawn said. "Just give me my food." after we ate, we heard a croud of fan girls running this way. We shut the door and closed the curtain so they couldn't see in and heard pounding on the door. It was the fan girls. "NIDAL I LOVE YOU" and "NIDAL WHATS UR SNAP??" and stuff like that. after a bit of pounding and screaming, it all stopped. turns out, security came over and make them all leave. About 10 minutes later after the chaos, the doctor came in and said " nidal we are gonna discharge you later today." they had a wheelchair for him and brought it in. after they brought it in, they walked out of the room and nidal wanted to go into the wheelchair. Nidal leaned up and Neshawn picked him up and put him into it. After about 4 hours of waiting, sitting on a bed beside nidal watching TikTok, and Neshawn laying in Nidals hospital bed, the doctor came in and said "your free to go back home."

Author note:
So I sadly won't be updating this story as much as I would like to because I now have soccer games every Sunday, my sis has an upcoming play, and stuff like that. Since the solar eclipse will cover 95% of the sun where I am located, I get out of school at 12:00 so I am going to try to update this story and MAYBE start another one probably not thought. (SORRY FOR WASTING YOUR TIME)

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺Where stories live. Discover now