the news

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Juju came in and said "tomorrow the news wants to interview you and mom about what happened" "ok" then juju went back out with Ella. it was about 10:10 and I decided I was gonna go to bed before nidal so I could actually fall asleep. I stood up and nidal asked me "where you going" "bed" "alr actually sleep tn"
I grabbed my crutches and walked out of the room. I got to the living room and sat my crutches up against the wall. I plugged my phone in then layed down. I fell asleep right before nidal came to bed.

I woke up the next morning at nine. Nidal was laying in bed on his phone watching TikTok. "morning" I told nidal in a sleepy voice. "someone kept spamming your phone" he told me. I grabbed my phone to see it was one of my friends from soccer telling me that there isn't a team anymore because everyone quit. also Salish texted me to call her anytime I get away from nidal. I said I would call her sometime today because the news is coming to interview him and my mom. I got up and went to to kitchen to get breakfast. I had a bowl of cereal and a glass of water. After I ate I went to the bathroom. I decided to take a shower so I picked out an outfit and took my knee brace off to take my pants off. After I did that, I put it back on and took a shower. I finished showering and got dressed. I brushed and braided my hair into Dutch braids. I put on a pair of shorts, a plain grey shirt, and a Nike tech hoodie. I brushed my teeth and walked out into the living room where nidal and juju were playing Fortnite (it's Saturday so no school). I got onto my bed for a bit. Mom came out of her room and sat on the couch and then cleaned up. The doorbell rang and I knew it was the news I asked mom "can I go upstairs?" "yes be careful" I grabbed my crutches and phone and carefully walked up the stairs. I walked into my room and called Salish. " hi say! what's up?" "nothing, can you do me a favor?" " yea ofc what is it?" "can you find out when nidal gets a cast on and let me know?" "yea the news is here atm but once they leave I'll ask my mom." then, jiji walked in. "who you talking to?" "Salish" "OMGGG HI SALISH!!" "hi jiji!" we told jiji what the plan was then Salish said " so me and my dad are gonna come out and do a room makeover and get him things and all that if it's okay with your parents." "yea tell Jordan to text our mom in about an hour." "alright, talk to you soon! bye!!"

I sat down at my computer and jiji was still in my room. jiji asked me "can we go live?" "yea sure, give me like 10 minutes to redo my messy braids and get it started." "I'll braid your hair!" I guess it would be easier to do that because we share a bathroom. we went to the bathroom and I took out my braids. Jiji said "can I curl your hair?" "yea sure!" she got her hair curler out of a drawer and plugged it in. she put half of my hair up and curled it. she finished curling it and I went out to my room to get the live set up. Jiji came out of the bathroom and I was ready to go live. I put on my insta that we were going live and started the live on YouTube and twitch.

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